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  1. J - 50

    The Second Indo-Chinese War (2013-2015)

    you will never understand ... Megatons.. Kilotons.... in war time situations nobody gonna use imported nuclear fuel for power generations ... all will be diverted to building nuke arsenal ... and as this is the last resort of any country ... so by the end of one month of conventional war ...
  2. J - 50

    The Second Indo-Chinese War (2013-2015)

    ok lets assume india doesnt have a NUKE more than 20KT ... now here you go.... suppose india decided to launch the 20k nukes... china's GDP is concentrated in 20 large cities.. a city like Shnaghai %GDP would be really high ... so a 20kt nuke exploded 1 KM - 3 KM above shanghai will...
  3. J - 50

    India plans to procure 22 AH-64D Block III Apache Helicopters

    the GOI should encourage our big private players to set up second line of military aircraft industry besides HAL... or they can work on existing lines to expand them ... these state backed private players with thr own financial backing after gaining experience can invite boeing, airbus or even...
  4. J - 50

    India plans to procure 22 AH-64D Block III Apache Helicopters

    money was poured in indigenous project after 2000 + before that projects like LCA , Arjun were getting pea nuts ... so as you hav heard these systems have got orders from Military right now... they are in process to induct them and Indian Navy is getting plenty of indian designed and made...
  5. J - 50

    India plans to procure 22 AH-64D Block III Apache Helicopters

    heard of LCH ??? apache is in different league... we first have to learn A ... to go to Z ... India is making good decision buying Apache... it will be great help in foothills on Himalayas and Border with Pakistan ...
  6. J - 50

    The Second Indo-Chinese War (2013-2015)

    india vs kashmir ??? :) Pakistan vs BLA , Pakistani vs Pakistani Taliban .... NATO+ Pakistan vs FATA ... pakistan looks like a complete warzone ,,, in that case... kashmir valley is just 15-20% of Jammu & kashmir state ... where Jammu drives the economy and food grains... and ladhakh's...
  7. J - 50

    The Second Indo-Chinese War (2013-2015)

    this conflict will not be for couple of weeks ... it will be stretched to years ... where troops and arms will keep flowing to the conflict zone where indian army trucks will be a common sight for Bangadesh and Nepal .... and Chinese troop careers in Burma .... both armies will dug deep into...
  8. J - 50

    The Second Indo-Chinese War (2013-2015)

    well this seems like a Cake Walk for Chinese ... In reality ... supply lines for PLA to Indian Border will be broken when waves of cruise missiles will make a hole in every mountain where roads and train rails are laid which can not be repaired with in months , and this will be repeated...
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