Yes that sounds more appropriate otherwise there is no need for such violation and it dosnt serve any purpose for them. They will deny it and the goal is also achieved.
It sounds strange this news I heard today in the morning. But after Indian violation of our space it sounds like Zardari is going to address press conference after this incident. Fishy..
It depends on Zardari what he wants to say in the morning.
Pray this time he should have some conscience not to play on integrity of the country for own agenda.
Parnab is not alone to take such decisions. Surely Indian Government seems to be over confident after UNSC ban decision thanks to our puppets' undertable support for this decision.
Atlast India started showing its colors. It seems it is trying to pressuriz Pakistan. Time to get out of Western border, lets the tribesmen take care of that. Deployment needed at Eastern border and along LoC.