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  1. R

    5.8-magnitude earthquake felt in Nashua, Boston area

    it was kind of bad at my place too, plus, i was inside a glassroom.
  2. R

    India can promote growth in region

    India started the training of the Mukti Bahini in East Pakistan much before that, in 1969.
  3. R

    India can promote growth in region

    It is futile to talk with the Indians here, their country is the only one in the world that thinks "Kashmir is an integral part of India", while the world world accepts Pakistan's stance that "Kashmir is disputed territory", yet they want to argue.
  4. R

    India can promote growth in region

    Read the books written by the British historian, an expert on Kashmir, Alastair Lamb's book on "THE INDIAN CLAIM TO JAMMU AND KASHMIR - A REAPPRAISAL". Also read the book written by the American scholar Stanley Wolpert "Nehru: A tryst with Destiny", they've exposed the document to be a forgery...
  5. R

    India can promote growth in region

    According to the UN mandates, it's not.
  6. R

    India can promote growth in region

    Kashmir is Disputed Territory: Washington At a White House briefing on April 11, 1995, Raphael was asked what the latest position of the Clinton administration was on Kashmir. “Actually, our position has remained constant; the US position even before the Clinton administration has...
  7. R

    India can promote growth in region

    Anyone can create a forged document 10-15 years ago. The document never existed before that, which is why India never sent it to the UN before that during the ongoing Pakistan-India dispute post 1947. The International Commission of Jurists passed a resolution proclaiming Kashmir’s...
  8. R

    India can promote growth in region

    The UN or no international agency accepts this as the original document, because the document was never submitted to the UN or any other international agency after 1947, & only appeared about 10-15 years ago, a concoction by the Indian government. The dates on this forged document are wrong too.
  9. R

    India can promote growth in region

    Logical fallacies in India's concocted instrument of accession: THE INDIAN CLAIM TO JAMMU AND KASHMIR - A REAPPRAISAL: by Alistair Lamb The formal overt Indian intervention in the internal affairs of the State of Jammu and Kashmir began on about 9.00 a.m. on 27 October 1947, when Indian...
  10. R

    India can promote growth in region

    I read it, it's not an original copy, it's been concocted by the Indian government. The original copy of the article of accession has been 'lost' according to the Indian government, as it was never submitted to the UN or anywhere else during the ongoing dispute of India & Pakistan over Kashmir...
  11. R

    India can promote growth in region

    First of all, this is not the original copy of the instrument of accession. India claims it has lost the original copy. But the truth is, there was no such thing as the Instrument of Accession, & it is just a concoction by the Indian government to get a validity for capturing Kashmir. Why should...
  12. R

    India can promote growth in region

    The princely state of Kashmir was not a country/nation. The UN talks about countries & borders. Secondly, where is the accession letter of Kashmir? Kashmir is the integral part of Pakistan to Pakistanis.
  13. R

    Similarites between Pakistani and Chinese cultures

    Pakistan's Baltistan region in the North comprises of essentially Tibetan people, & the Balti language spoken in Pakistan is a form of ancient Tibetan: Balti dialect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Pakistan's Balti people: Then, Pakistan has plenty of Uighur people as...
  14. R

    India can promote growth in region

    The UN talks about aggression across the IB, not the LOC.
  15. R

    India can promote growth in region

    Pakistan infiltrated into the disputed territory of Kashmir, India infiltrated first into the East Pakistan in 1971. Big difference. But anyways, that was the past, this thread is about the present & the future.
  16. R

    End of Qadaffi ~ Gadaffi sons arrested ~ Tripoli captured

    Pakistan didn't send troops there, they sent retired officers there. While what they did wasn't right, they were invited by the Kingdom of Bahrain to do so. It's similar to what happens when dealing with a secessionist movement. I understand relationships are based on interests.
  17. R

    Bukhari calls stir anti-Islam, tells Muslims to stay away

    Anti-Anna Hazare cleric cuts lonely figure:
  18. R

    Arundhati Roy blasts anti-corruption 'saint' Anna Hazare

    You don't know much about her, do you? She talks about Baloch Liberation publicly. Arundhati Roy said the same thing about Kashmir, & was charged with sedition. What happened to that crime reporter that got shot in Mumbai?
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