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  1. H

    Traitor Media and Holy Army

    Yes bro I agree with you Media is shitty. We should totally boycott Traitor Media.
  2. H

    Traitor Media and Holy Army

    @Manindra @veekysingh @Sunny Deol @Jason bourne @Sam Manekshaw @Desert Fox @he-man @Bang Galore @Majestic Pankaj @Mike_Brando @bronxbull @sms @kbd-raaf @shuntmaster @Jzaib @sree45 @Informant @MastanKhan @Alphacharlie @mr420 @Koovie @Srinivas
  3. H

    Nawab Sharif has sold agriculture sector to india!

    Geo channel and Nawaz should be banned.
  4. H

    Traitor Media and Holy Army

    No bro we should have the guts to call a spade a spade. Here you can see what media is doing ? They should refrain saying against the only working institution in Pakistan.
  5. H

    Traitor Media and Holy Army

    @Imran Khan @Pukhtoon @Umair Nawaz @PAF FALCONS @black mamba @PakistaniandProud @Irfan Salam @fatman17 @smuhs1 @Rahil khan
  6. H

    Traitor Media and Holy Army

    Talk about the topic in hand instead of ranting.I have shared this video to show how Media talk lies about Pakistan Army. Enough is enough.
  7. H

    Traitor Media and Holy Army

    We don't like any Indian voice in Pakistan, therefore its in India's and its politicians best interest to keep it zipped on our internal matters.We won almost all wars and this paid media is brain washing Pakistan people by spurting lies about our beloved Pak Army.
  8. H

    Traitor Media and Holy Army

    This one of the video clearly shows that Hamid Mir and Media in general is Anti Pakistan. They always come up with lie and try to defame one of the only working institution of Pakistan. They clearly have a agenda to demoralize Pak Army. Pak Army zindabad, Jarnail Zindabad.
  9. H

    Welcome to Pakistan's Unmanned Warfare Command.

    Yeah we know that even Americans are trying hard to buy it from you but Parliament of Pakistan is not approving it because of the fear that they will reverse engineer your high end technology.
  10. H

    Another martyr

    We always wish you and your people to come out of this menace even after knowing what Pakistani terrorists are doing in our country from last 30 years.We respect your martyred soldiers and expect some decency if God forbid such things happen on other side of the border.
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