Japanese only respect power, that is their mentality. They will submit once you dominate them, that’s what happened when they were nuked and now they are loyal servants. To get the Japanese to exchange hands you have to defeat their current masters and brutalize their morale.
AI generated art actually samples art, images and photos created by artists/people. It rearranged and collages samples together so they didn’t actually “create” the art out of nothing. Think of it as a song that samples other songs. So the same rules that apply to sampling music should be...
Not sure if you can count them as muslims if most of the population and the ruling class were still Buddhists. They may have submitted politically but most didn’t convert.
I wasn’t talking about US, America has the petro dollar for now, they can print as much money as they want. I’m talking about Europe, they are facing an energy and economic crisis, how long can they sustain paying billions to Ukraine as well.
If Russia could used Ukraine to wear down the European economy, US will be left alone. It’s surprising how well Russia is holding up against entire Europe and US funding Ukraine. Europe is stupid for cutting off it’s own fuel and bleeding billions into Ukraine at the same time.
Pics or it didn’t happen, Chinese seem to have a lot of pics of dead Endians but Endians can’t even show pics of 1 dead Chinese soldier. These baseless speculation just sound like more coping if you can’t fork over the evidence.