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    Awami League destroying BUET - prominent institution in Bangladesh

    Might be it is Raw or Some Other Organisation Propaganda:what:
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    Combative China rings alarm bells

    If there is a full scale war, Sure within hours a UN mandate will be Issued. If it not simple to have a war between the 2 major developing economies. Say if the UN mandate has not arrived. And if the war escalated to Nuclear War. Then both thee countries will not fair any better than each other.
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    Former CIA officer Bruce Riedel: Lashkar-e-Taiba 'more dangerous than Al Qa

    Laskar more dangerous by Us expert they were focus on Al-Qaeda because they were against them now is Laskar - What's this whole thing about Terror Management whats the game ?
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    Top players sue Bangladesh over unpaid wages

    Self Deleted.
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    Iran's Ballistic Missiles Improving, Pentagon Finds

    USS John C. Stennis said to be returning to the Persian Gulf in late August - would mean 3 aircraft carrier in region. the intent of this report is highly suspicious.it makes a very strong argument against attacking iran, by overstating their military capabilities - just what president obama...
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    India, Singapore extend military training agreement

    India-Singapore Friendship :tup:
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    Pakistan needs to be part of solution, not part of problem: US Ambassador C

    Mate, One thread is already there for this Topic :)
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    Indian Lieutenant Colonel honey trapped by BD women

    Honey trapping is the oldest spying stint & even the most honest alert efficient entities may get entangled inadvertently or deliberately but crux of sincerity for the nation is that such developments must be voluntarily disclosed to competent authorities without any delay instead of going...
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    Ankara restores relations with Paris, revoking sanctions

    the part i dont understand is they kill people in the name of democracy and freedom of speech, yet the put u in prison for speaking out. ike the alleged holohaox. i dont care what the ottomans do, they are zionists.
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    At least four dead in Karachi’s targeted killings

    May the Soul of deceased reset in peace.
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    Top players sue Bangladesh over unpaid wages

    Sydney: The Federation of International Cricketers' Association (FICA) said Wednesday it will join players in legal action over unpaid wages by the Bangladesh Premier League, calling the situation "a joke". Bangladesh's inaugural Twenty20 league was held in February and attracted a host of...
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    Army helicopter crash in Skardu kills five

    May there Soul Rest in Peace.
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    China opens doors to Pakistani mangoes

    Pak's mangoes, China's arms what a diplomatic chemistry ;)
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    End of empire for Western universities??

    u mentioned 3 of the 4 nations that form the BRIC. i add brasil to the trio of china india and russia. turkey and indonesia are not far behing too. now to come to prediction, china seems a giant on the outside. but not from the inside. it's not. - one child policy will in 50 year (when the bulk...
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    Hundreds buried on Srebrenica genocide anniversary

    Words cannot describe the sorrow I feel for those families....
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    Gulmakai’ – the future of Pakistan

    Good luck for your future aims. God bless you.
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    Japan summons China ambassador over island dispute

    I am confused here. These islands are currently owned by an individual person or persons, which are selling them to Japan. China says these islands belong to China, yet you are not allowed to own land in China. So my question is if these islands belong to China, then how are they currently owned...
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    83 foreigners in Pakistan's National Assembly

    The Big problem lies is even if they have Dual Nationality have they done anything good to the Nation. If there has been any performance review then it would do a lot good.
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    India buys Gandhi papers for $1.1 million

    World Looters UK :bunny: buying from them:cheesy:
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    Israeli military can be swept aside by Iran: US analyst

    An attack on Syria will bring its closest ally will bring Russia and China upon the picture. An attack on Pakistan will bring one of its closest allies upon the picture = China! This scenario doesn't look too promising for the Zionist-West controlled establishment. Definately, it's not going to...
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