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  1. Maj. Gel. Tariq khan

    Terrorism, Shameless Religious Bigotry and Pakistani Mindset

    one thing makes me dazzy that am i or other are crazy
  2. Maj. Gel. Tariq khan

    As your wish, its your web you are boss here, block me as soon as you can..

    As your wish, its your web you are boss here, block me as soon as you can..
  3. Maj. Gel. Tariq khan

    Terrorism, Shameless Religious Bigotry and Pakistani Mindset

    sparklingway please remove your thanx for my post
  4. Maj. Gel. Tariq khan

    Terrorism, Shameless Religious Bigotry and Pakistani Mindset

    Still i didnt find my answer in any post, anyway you didnt say that ' TWO NATION IDEOLOGY IS NOT FACT THAT LEAD TO ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN TO CREATE' Coz we are moving away and away from Islam, thunder and earth quack comes near and near, today is the day when we are going to die like...
  5. Maj. Gel. Tariq khan

    Terrorism, Shameless Religious Bigotry and Pakistani Mindset

    Thanx if you really support T-FAZ. But you dont know the facts you just see the body not core. If Pakistan became secular state, same as Turkey, we have to reconize Israel as state, and if we did, then it will take no longer to Israel to cover Muslim countries..
  6. Maj. Gel. Tariq khan

    Terrorism, Shameless Religious Bigotry and Pakistani Mindset

    Still not answer.. Thats the prove, who is with truth and who is with lie, and alot thanx Salman.. And TWO NATION IDEOLOGY IS ONLY FACT THAT LEAD TO CREATE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN.. You sayin it conspiracy but not lie coz, CONSPIRACY IS SECOND NAME OF TURTH, WHEN YOU DENYING IT
  7. Maj. Gel. Tariq khan

    Terrorism, Shameless Religious Bigotry and Pakistani Mindset

    Repectivly Sapkarlingway, i didnt found my answers in your posts ever.. Just answer this question... If Zadari renamed with Jinnah will really make him Jinnah? If answer is no, then please change your heart againts Islam and if you want a better Pakistan, dont talk about the problems of...
  8. Maj. Gel. Tariq khan

    Turkish Navy and PM to accompany more aid ships to Gaza

    Repectivly bharti Stupid, Muslim didnt capture Jews land, before 1400 year there is no Islam, all arab are non muslim. All were Jews, Hindus, Christans, after the rise of Islam they mostly converted to Islam, all Muslim today were non-muslim before Islam, the Jews living in Plastine, were...
  9. Maj. Gel. Tariq khan

    Terrorism, Shameless Religious Bigotry and Pakistani Mindset

    Here you go again, i have analize some thing and want to put in front of you all, in an other thread of emo, http://www.defence.pk/forums/current-events-social-issues/60475-all-girls-aren-t-call-girls-28.html if i post a thread about Islam then, Sapkarlingway, T-Faz and emo, reply my post...
  10. Maj. Gel. Tariq khan

    All girls arent call girls

    Its not chawaliya. Go just search on net. What is meaning of Avatar. Amazing thing, here option is Avatar not display pic.. 'Truth' second name 'cospiracy'. See it YouTube - Building 7: Truth & Lies of 9/11. Architect Richard Gage Speaks of Freefall Speed Explosions American...
  11. Maj. Gel. Tariq khan

    All girls arent call girls

    Realist, i can see a clear chirstan cross sin in your Avatar. Now thats TF. You know what, Avatar is hindu language world, which refers to a deliberate descent of a deity from heaven to earth, and you chose christan sin...
  12. Maj. Gel. Tariq khan

    All girls arent call girls

    And thats the problem, You people always talk about the problems of Pakistan, not the solution for Pakistan. Is any problem solve by this thread?
  13. Maj. Gel. Tariq khan

    All girls arent call girls

    Coz we are moving away and away from Islam, thunder and earth quack comes near and near, remember few years before when sunami strom came, it cant touch Pakistan but today higher strom waves than sunami coming directly to Pakistan
  14. Maj. Gel. Tariq khan

    All girls arent call girls

    hiding your face? Cant face truth? Em.. That great..
  15. Maj. Gel. Tariq khan

    All girls arent call girls

    but not counter me once.. That prove here man stand with the truth
  16. Maj. Gel. Tariq khan

    All girls arent call girls

    Emo you just strats threads as same as Jew tv do.. See it YouTube - geo tv or jew tv they too say that showing bad newz make Pakistan better and what result crash of stock market..
  17. Maj. Gel. Tariq khan

    All girls arent call girls

    What about woman who stare man? Infact just tomorro night in market two girls staring me at Mall, but i ignore them.. Every side is little bit bad not just man..
  18. Maj. Gel. Tariq khan

    VIEW: Stop blaming the West

    And if Zia dont fight against USSR? After Afganistan, Pakistan too a part of it. They want those warm sea ports like Gwadar and Karachi ports. It is ZIA courage that he fight against them in that poor conditions. Today we dont have a leader with that courage, instead of fight against them they...
  19. Maj. Gel. Tariq khan

    Turkish Navy and PM to accompany more aid ships to Gaza

    And what hindus religion tech? Kill muslim in khasmir?
  20. Maj. Gel. Tariq khan

    Turkish Navy and PM to accompany more aid ships to Gaza

    buddy, tell Jew Hindus and christan that they too keep their religion with them,
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