please forgive my ignorance and explain the enemy part! everyone who has some authority in this country can be termed an enemy and a traitor based on the decisions they make. There maybe some actually but the thing that make them seem like a traitor is incompetence and poor decision making. the...
no big fan of politicians but the excitement and ambitious comments of some people are just unfathomable. maybe too young or naive for discussions like this. a little lesson for them if the senior members dont mind : In a democratic system, which is supported by atleast 55 % population of the...
All the matrices, analyses and forecasts have failed to determine the story of Pakistan's nuclear capabilities. The textbook does not apply here. I would keep my mind open if the Saudis would want a war head for gold plating it. Nuclear war is not going to happen in Middle East or South East...
The govt-elect has prioritized producing energy from water, coal, wind and solar! that IMO is the right direction. US and China produce almost half of their electricity from coal and Pakistan has huge reservoirs too! but there are people who dont like any other fuel being used other than oil!
Wahhabism is pretty different from what you may refer to extremist militant mindset! Similarly deobandi school of thought is specific to the subcontinent. The extremist militant mindset adheres mostly to the Salfi school of thought who practise takfeer. Most Middles eastern arabs conform to...
If I may: the appointment is peculiar, thus the thread and all the speculations. He may have made personal friends with the sheikhs and they may have asked him to come over after retirement and he may have asked for NOCs and didnt get refused, may had given a little de-briefing interview and...
there you go brothers! here is a little paper on making emp weapons!