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  1. Torpedo

    you still want musharaff back?

    I think he still continues to be best option for Pakistan. Remember Mr. Zardari and Sarah Palin? I think Zardari has brought more disgrace to Pakistani men than Mushrraf (as you say) to Pakistani women! :lol: Joke's apart, I seriously think that this is a forgivable mistake. It is not...
  2. Torpedo

    Where Pakistan will end up with Mr. Zardari?

    Also, now Sharif brothers being disqualified for the elections, Pakistan is running out of leaders. Even if you wait until the next elections, there won't be much options to chose from. It seems now destiny is calling Pak Army to take control again!
  3. Torpedo

    U.S. Retains Hidden Grip on Pakistan's Nukes

    I do not believe this concept. But talking about "why India did not attack Pak" is wrong. Even if USA controls Pak nukes, USA does not 'love' India. There is no guarantee that the attack won't take place. @ mwalam There was no such statements. The only commitment India has is "no first...
  4. Torpedo

    Dr. Qadeer, A National Hero or....

    Well, it is amazing that Pakistani people credit a single person about their nuke capabilities! Pakistan had to be nuke powered, with or without Dr. Khan. It was not a one man show, and for a nation it is never so! By giving full credit to Mr. Khan, you will be doubting capabilities of...
  5. Torpedo

    you still want musharaff back?

    I think he was just carried away by emotions because the lady was being the reason Pakistan would be painted in gray shades by western media. So it will be too much to draw conclusions like "he has defamed Pak women" etc... Please refrain from such comments. The thread almost always derails...
  6. Torpedo

    India's Muslims chafe under suspicion

    Please, not that "Indian Muslims endangered" thing again... I am sick of reading this BS. I am a Hindu. I have many Muslim friends, teachers and idols. Believe me, mothers in Hindu homes tell their children to be like Dr. Abdul Kalam. As far as literacy and economic condition are...
  7. Torpedo

    Zardari betrayed us, says Sharif

    But he is providing some real humor.... I think we all need it these days. It will keep us normal that some Indian and Pakistani jokers go on making such statements!! ;)
  8. Torpedo

    India tops world hunger chart

    Numbers..... they can be very very misleading when it comes to India. First point is the system of carrying out surveys here. They are little reliable when a govt carries them out. And they are even less so if carried out by some private firm on the contract basis of govt. I have taken part...
  9. Torpedo

    An extremely shameful act in the name of politics

    I think comparing any politicians with dogs, pigs and donkeys should be banned. WE HAVE NO RIGHT TO INSULT THOSE POOR ANIMALS.
  10. Torpedo

    The sound of Taliban laughing

    The sound of Taliban laughing WHAT do we Pakistanis do when the Taliban are poised to take over large swathes of the country, and the economy is in freefall? We respond by creating a totally unnecessary political crisis that diverts attention from the real issues, and makes recovery even less...
  11. Torpedo

    Zardari betrayed us, says Sharif

    I think Mr. Sharif should publish a list of people who have NOT betrayed him. :undecided: It will be shorter one!! :rofl:
  12. Torpedo

    Pak navy chief torpedoes nation's 26/11 confession

    This is very unfortunate and irresponsible response from Pak Navy chief. 1. Indian Navy is much bigger than Pak Navy, but so is the coastal area. So, it is foolish to assume that such things matter a lot. 2. On the same lines, before the terrorists reached Mumbai, they STARTED from...
  13. Torpedo

    Where Pakistan will end up with Mr. Zardari?

    It seems only few people are ready to wait for Mr. Zardari to end his term.But this can dangerously lead towards military law! As far as economy is concerned, USA is again willing to help Pakistan. But this can adversely affect peace process with Taliban as they won't like it. Also USA will...
  14. Torpedo

    Where Pakistan will end up with Mr. Zardari?

    Well, ruler is more important than the laws. It is implementation what matters at the last. Having army rule for long time destroys country's reputation and will have many adverse effects.
  15. Torpedo

    India: Brothers share wife to secure family land

    Well, polygamy wasn't any issue when mankind was not aware of living settled life and accumulating property. But when it started, naturally, the problem arose was "how to transfer the property to the children?". It was easy to know the mother of the child, but it was nearly impossible to know...
  16. Torpedo

    Pakistan: Coming Coup, The Final Solution

    Is the coupe possible? I am feeling like either no one is paying attention towards a VERY important factor or I am horribly mistaken. Please correct me in the later case. The factor is IMF loans. IMF has sanctioned loans to the countries under control of dictators and have been heavily...
  17. Torpedo

    Where Pakistan will end up with Mr. Zardari?

    Is there any chance (taking into consideration the emotions of people) that the SC will reconsider its decision about Sharif brothers OR is it possible, in some way, to challenge the SC decision? :crazy:
  18. Torpedo

    Does the PA need more troops to fight terror?

    One thing to take into consideration - IMF loan conditions. These rules are very strict and include cut in subsidies and defense expenditure. Pakistan is granted loan of $7.6 bn. The 'repay' will be scheduled for five years starting from 2011. So there will be certain limitations until...
  19. Torpedo

    Where Pakistan will end up with Mr. Zardari?

    No doubt he will have some personal plans. Every politician has few. But they shouldn't come in the way of country's welfare. If this is happening, Pak people cannot afford to wait for years. :disagree:
  20. Torpedo

    Where Pakistan will end up with Mr. Zardari?

    Personal agenda!! Declaring the whole nation 'officially' to be in grave danger is in no way a tolerable 'personal agenda'. Same thing happened with India under Mrs. Indira Gandhi and what followed was "emergency".
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