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  1. himeed

    Indian air force 'lacks planes'

    How much money is pakistan spending on J-10 and jf-17?/what new secrets..please justify your claim..as for killings by f-16's i want to know how many killings have occured by pakistani F-16'S..theres no credibility to waht you are saying..please dont make up stuff and expect people to believe it...
  2. himeed

    Indian air force 'lacks planes'

    on a side note IAF shouldnt worry about F-16's its the JF-17 and J-10 that should concern them coz i believe both these jets will enter service with a lot of secrets and IAF wouldnt have any data on them or there performance. How much money is pakistan spending on J-10 and jf-17?/what new...
  3. himeed

    Indian Air Force’ blues

    This is just a ploy by the Indian govt to acquire the 126 MCRA'S fast,they have already ordered 190 SU-30 ,which can take out any f-16 that pakistan can throw at it.They just want more thats all. As for that letter, wasnt it supposed to be secret??then how the hell are we all reading it in plain...
  4. himeed

    Nuclear Pact and Arming India

    chill out dude..pak is more important to the US than india..whatever US gives india it will also give pak..so no owrries..as for the air defense fleet ur saying 366 indian top line aircrafts against 68 pak f-16's..u are forgetting the J-10 and the jf-17 which pak will have in large numbers...
  5. himeed

    Economic crippling..something to think abt?

    Just spend a minute to think abt this.India is economically betterr off than us(hope u all agree).As of now the IAF ,and the indian military as well is spending an insane amount of money in military purchases.Apart from just trying to prove its military strength i feel they may be playing a more...
  6. himeed

    MiG 35 : Not be underestimated

    pakistan cannot afford a European eagle and the best American eagles are not for sale to Pakistan.Furthermore the enemy has turkeys that can bring down our eagles and are acquiring more advanced turkeys through PAK FA ,we have no choice but to try and acquire turkeys.Furthermore these eagles are...
  7. himeed

    France deploys UAVs to stop IAF flights

    when did the israelis attack americans..how come the americans didnt retaliate??and as for israelis attacking and getting away with it, they may get away with it in israel but the rest of the world will certainly not let them go scot free. today if israel attacks america, american and pakistani...
  8. himeed

    T-50 vs F-22 raptor

    given here is some statistical data about the PAK FA sukhoi T-50 and the F-22 Raptor..can u give your opinion as to which aircraft is better?? http://warfare.ru/?compare=true&linkid=2280&linkid2=2024&catid=255&submit=Compare+%21
  9. himeed

    MiG 35 : Not be underestimated

    ok then in that case,is f-22 or f-35 a reality??
  10. himeed

    MiG 35 : Not be underestimated

    Hi all, any chance of us acquiring such stuff in future..from china maybe??
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