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  1. peristalsiso

    Tony Blair calls for regime change in Iran and Syria

    Ah, true. But should they fight with weapons that are (being) proven to be counter-productive, or should they fight with peaceful-resistance tactics that'll actually get them where they want to go (self-determination, right?) ---------- Post added at 09:34 PM ---------- Previous post was...
  2. peristalsiso

    Tony Blair calls for regime change in Iran and Syria

    The whole point about the West holding "the nuke rights" is that the West will not start a war without clear provocation (Iraq excepted, and i'll remind the Americans about that at every turn). Israel's nukes serve to prevent a conventional war between many Islamic states and Israel, a repeat...
  3. peristalsiso

    Tony Blair calls for regime change in Iran and Syria

    In order to be able to project any force at all into the middle east region, we need the support of some dictatorial leaderships. Specifically, we need fly-over-rights and the ability to make military bases in the middle east. You could say that this tendency to meddle in the middle east has...
  4. peristalsiso

    Tony Blair calls for regime change in Iran and Syria

    True, our western leaders were wrong to invade Iraq the way they did. But that doesn't mean they're not right about stopping nuke proliferation into Iran with force. ---------- Post added at 09:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:08 PM ---------- Many dictatorial or very-corrupt...
  5. peristalsiso

    Tony Blair calls for regime change in Iran and Syria

    I post on a US-republican forum as well, and i'll never let them forget the mistake of the handling of the aftermath of the toppling of Saddam. I work both sides, but the line in the sand has to be drawn somewhere. Nuke proliferation is a good line to hold, imo. ---------- Post added at...
  6. peristalsiso

    Tony Blair calls for regime change in Iran and Syria

    I do believe the West is getting rid of the ties with dictators and truely starting to foster ((semi-)democratic) self-rule in the Muslim world.. Please don't hold the past against us Westerners in securing all our futures. Criticize us for our current efforts as much as you like though, I for...
  7. peristalsiso

    Tony Blair calls for regime change in Iran and Syria

    Tony Blair has a point. Some people (especially Muslim leaders) respect only force. We in the West should NOT allow Iran to acquire a nuclear weapon. As soon as it's finished, we should invade and topple their regime I think. Not before, and not too long after they do, because the...
  8. peristalsiso

    Happy Independence Day - Southern Sudan

    Job well done on the creation of your country, South Sudan. Hope you prosper and have good relations with your neighbors.
  9. peristalsiso

    Ahmadinejad: Iran not afraid to make nuke weapon

    In diplomatic terms, that's like admitting you're building one..
  10. peristalsiso

    Wilders Acquitted by Dutch Court

    I grew up in the netherlands, and while i think that this verdict will not help the multicultural society there, it was pointed out to me by other dutch on a dutch forum that we have a very long history here of insulting members and leaders of other (sub-)faiths. The various catholic...
  11. peristalsiso

    Number of people killed in Kashmir from 1990 to 2011 revealed

    Ok that can be a real problem.. But surely the Kashmiri's could find something to trade for food? Perhaps even through technological development? Or develop those mountainsides? Rice paddies are on mountain walls, right?
  12. peristalsiso

    Number of people killed in Kashmir from 1990 to 2011 revealed

    That kind of stance invites more suffering, the blood of which will be on your hands until you change your views. Publicly.
  13. peristalsiso

    Number of people killed in Kashmir from 1990 to 2011 revealed

    There's a thing called "commerce" that will allow a landlocked country to flourish, AND maintain good relations with all of it's neighbors.
  14. peristalsiso

    Number of people killed in Kashmir from 1990 to 2011 revealed

    No, creating a new country and making it flourish is not an easy task. I just see India and Pakistan fighting over Kashmir, and thus think it's better to let Kashmiri's rule themselves. So it's up to India and Pakistan to *both* stop fighting over/for Kashmir. Peace talks take 2 to tango.
  15. peristalsiso

    US doing peacetalks with the Taliban

    Pakistan should just stop supporting and sheltering terror organisations that sometimes do dirty work for them. If a country in Europe was sheltering terrorists that attack pakistan every few years, would you like that?
  16. peristalsiso

    US doing peacetalks with the Taliban

    source : Bangkok Post : US 'talking with Taliban' My 2cts: Peace talks are that other side of the blade. Or the shield.
  17. peristalsiso

    Number of people killed in Kashmir from 1990 to 2011 revealed

    The Indian and Pakistani govt's are equally responsible for the suffering of the Kashmiri people. Suggestion: Make Kashmir an independent country.
  18. peristalsiso

    China: Vote as I say

    If democracy is about chances for political participation, then even in a one-party system you can have open and good democracy. I think that in a multi-party system you'll have more guarantees for good government, but I invite the Chinese govt. to prove the world otherwise. Corruption and...
  19. peristalsiso

    Nato will be defeated in Libya: Gaddafi

    Well, this is just my 2ct's, but i hope that that Gadaffi bastard just gets killed, by accident or by intent, by the NATO forces. Give the Libyan people a chance for a new leadership that will treat them better. Finish the job, don't play with your prey, NATO. Please.
  20. peristalsiso

    US: We will trace and kill new Al-Qaeda leader

    I see a lot of people blaming some other side/country for the world's problems. I also see a lot of people denying commonly known facts, asking for evidence when that evidence is kept secret by power players. How about you people start acknowledging (at least some of) your OWN party's...
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