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  1. W

    The truth about 'suicide' bombings

    "They must find it difficult ... those who have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as the authority." ~Gerald Massey "I know that most men...can seldom accept even the simplest and most obvious truth if it be such as would oblige them to admit the falsity of conclusions which they...
  2. W

    The truth about 'suicide' bombings

    If you are capable of reading and comprehending english which seems In doubt I said 'google mainstream media articles about mind reading technology.' There are articles in The Guardian, The Telegraph, The Times, New Scientist and other mainstream media publications about this technology...
  3. W

    The truth about 'suicide' bombings

    It is not only the US who has this technology. The major countries of the World have it. The technology in fact was invented by the Russians, under the phrase 'psychotronic weapons'. There is clearly an agreement amongst the major powers limiting the use of the technology upon one another's...
  4. W

    The truth about 'suicide' bombings

    Yes, it does seem unbelieveable, which makes it almost the perfect weapon for them. Times have changed, it is almost impossible for the US to do what it did in Vietnam and kill millions of people with carpet bombing, napalm etc. They would find it impossible to justify this to their people at...
  5. W

    The truth about 'suicide' bombings

    My hyperlinks won't work on this forum - to view those articles above google the titles in the last post
  6. W

    The truth about 'suicide' bombings

    This is what they admit they were up to over 50 years ago. Things have moved on somewhat since then: Brainwash victims win cash claims - Times Online Donald Ewen Cameron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  7. W

    The truth about 'suicide' bombings

    Yes, I have in depth knowledge about mind-control technology and what they have done with it. Their first major genocidal action was called ‘Operation Crimson Mist’ where they caused the murder of 1 million Rwandans. I am happy to answer any questions on the subject of mind-control...
  8. W

    The truth about 'suicide' bombings

    Google "mind reading technology" and read the many mainstream media reports about the the technology they admit to. There are many articles about mind reading technology - The implantation of thoughts into the conscious and subconscious that they are able to do is just the flipside of this...
  9. W

    The truth about 'suicide' bombings

    I am Iraqi. I am going to tell you the truth. The sectarian violence in Iraq that has killed thousands of Iraqis has been created by the CIA and MI6 using mind-control technology. They can control a mind using electromagnetic wepaons to force someone to become a suicide bomber. They have done...
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