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  1. G

    US ready to assist Pakistan, India resolve Siachen conflict

    it is interesting to see that pakistani friends realized that terrorism is a bad thing when they themselves started dying from the blasts. Pakistanis found out that ethnic cleansing of ahnedis could be bad when even sunnis started dying. Punjabis thought that exploiration of baloch is bad when...
  2. G

    South China Sea region property of the world: India

    LoL, you must be then a bigger idiot because even when you have not understood what he has said, you have been ranting around professing the doomsday for India and what not. It is standard diplomatic jargon to not ruffle feathers and still talk about the subject. Which part of that do you not...
  3. G

    South China Sea region property of the world: India

    LoL, so much heat from our Chinese folks. Krishna just mentioned for sea and trading lanes. Poor fellow did not even mention exploration!! So there is no escalation by India here. That is why CCP is not responding via the Global (:confused:) times. And regarding linking all this to J&K, well...
  4. G

    Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

    LoL, what is there to mix issues? Police could not arrest this man to follow the due process of law (the one you are championing). Read below. I think you gave me an infraction on that thread :) If your law could not follow course for such a simple instance with this guy, what do you think will...
  5. G

    Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

    So do you then see why there is no use of giving any arguments? Your Judiciary is bound by complicated laws!! Example? Islamabad a couple of days back. Your police were aiming guns at each other trying to figure out how to go by the letter of the law that evening!!
  6. G

    Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

    LoL, Pakistanis always gave more credence to the semantics. Let me give you a little hint. Simple reason for making the announcement in India. To show that the trumps are held with US. A little statement in India about 26/11 results in diarhoeaa abundant across the border. Who in the real...
  7. G

    Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

    LoL, you got to be serious. Arguments?? When arguments in favour of Salman Taseer could not be hold water against the serial kisser in courts in Pakistan then how do you imagine will the poor Hindu arguments stand a chance? Hell even the horny 72 virgin seeking Ajmal Kasab was disowned till some...
  8. G

    Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

    Watch where you tread bro. You could be termed an Ahmadi or any other type of non-muslim for acknowledging another prophet :) and then this very Saeed that you are seeking to bravely defend could be after your own life. And then you could be in the same position as the poor 26/11 victims being...
  9. G

    Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

    Actually the Sheikh was despatched at Abbuttabad. Once again, no such evidence except for the ones that was obtained under obvious duress :) at Gauntanamo.
  10. G

    Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

    They may be worthless in the current environment for anyone in Pakistan. However, these claims have certainly turned out to be worthwhile enough for the US to make happy meal out of Saeed Hafeez. Let us see what Santa brings this May!!
  11. G

    Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

    LoL, what do you think were the fatwas for the Danes of the Muhammad cartoons fame? Were those not monetary rewards? So everyone has a way of labelling other terrorists for different reasons.
  12. G

    Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

    LoL, so why were you trying your hand with the Qadri kissing profession of Pakistan by making the sentimental plea of his "witnessing his 36 slaughtered relatives" even when he was not born during partition? Butttttt not to blame you.... That "witness" balderash could have floated in a...
  13. G

    Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

    LoL, he was born in 1950 so he was not even born when partition happened. Kindly give us a break with this witnessing violence. What? You trying the insanity plea on him now? And he is no voice lest the Pakistani army voice. And that my dear Watson is where all this US action is being targeted.
  14. G

    Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

    No my friend. This has NOTHING to do with pleasing India. You are giving too much respect to the US relationship with India. Rather this has been done to let the generals at the GHQ know that a lot worse can happen in the situaton than the NATO supply line closure. It is a mere indication...
  15. G

    Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

    Wrong. This has not been done to please India. Had that been the case, then this punjabi terrorist's goose would have been cooked long time back. Actually this has been done to indicate to Pakistani Army that things can be a lot worse. This fellow is just a pawn in the game. He lives and...
  16. G

    Cadets of Chail military school to learn Dragon's language

    LoL, that is my school. Good to see that something about the school found its way on this forum. One more headache for the poor sods. LoL. By the way any other Georgians on this forum??
  17. G

    Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

    Maybe in your eagerness, you have been trying to milch a bull all this while :) In case you missed, evidence or not (Pakistani style) not withstanding, the message is clear, the stateless actors rants of the Pakistanis has just been accorded the dump that it always deserved. This step clearly...
  18. G

    Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

    LoL, the successes of his terrorism business have gone to saeed's head (or where ever he thinks from). This bounty is not on his head. This bounty is factually on Pakistani army who are the ring masters of this terrorism profitability business. Clear signal of the new extent to which the US is...
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