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  1. T

    The apostates of Pakistan

    I do not know deobandis and do not refer myself to any "sect" and this is an age old tactic by Ahmadis to divert the topics away from MGA's writings........ if you do not have any answers for his claims them just say so and declare him false, as deep down you too know that his claims are wrong...
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    The apostates of Pakistan

    Why do Muslims show unhappiness with Ahmadis in general........ Well its abit like this.......... We Muslims believe Jesus to be a Messenger of Allah and highly regarded, with much love and respect..... However Mirza Ghulam Ahmad wanted to take this position of the Promised Messiah and the...
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    The apostates of Pakistan

    I wonder how many times a thread about Ahmadiyya must be opened by ignorant people who have no knowledge of this cult and this cult members who cannot answer any claims of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as in the document in my post above #44 and other arguments I have raised........... when they are able...
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    The apostates of Pakistan

    Please download the below link, it is only 3.3 MB so wont take long at all, it will explain the two positions very clearly. https://hotfile.com/dl/150394683/835419c/File_1.pdf.html changed to PDF document
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    The apostates of Pakistan

    I will put up a document on the web for all to see which will explain the Muslim position as to why we will never accept Qadianis as Muslim, ever.........
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    No ammo, air defence obsolete: Army Chief to PM

    Do you really think, a company making billions of dollars, politicians who make millions of dollars in kickbacks are really going to let a COAS with a wage of 1-2 crore put a spanner in the works............. I haven't checked and am not aware, but I am going to take it India is making some very...
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    No ammo, air defence obsolete: Army Chief to PM

    The media in India seems to be just plain daft........ 1.) The Army Chief decided to take a matter to court over the age issues after failing to reach an agreement with the MoD, that is his consitutional and democratic right. He did not agree with the decision and there was an option available...
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    No ammo, air defence obsolete: Army Chief to PM

    What I find amusing in all this is the claim India had been making for decades now, all seems to be falling apart............. For long they have been claiming that they are building their armed ofrces and purchasing new material/weapons, increasing military budgets as the real threat is...
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    Trial of Kayani for not defending Pakistan

    I agree that Keyani should stand trial, however along with him should stand the political leaders of Pakistan for War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity. US agents should also be detained, or at least threatened of such a trial, like when the ISI leaked the CIA directors name in Pakistan and a...
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    What will Pakistan be like if PTI wins?

    My friend, just to get rid of Zardari and supporting another corrupt leader will not change anything. PML-N has had five successful governments in Punjab and yet life has not changed and will not change in the future. The grass is never greener on the other side. You need someone who has not had...
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    What will Pakistan be like if PTI wins?

    It will be the same to the Indian pov bcus the policy of PA is in direct opposition to that of the Indians........ Hey guess what, that's been there since 1947, wake up alarm going guys....... The Pakistan Military has the most professional and dedicated think tanks in Pakistan and IK should...
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    What will Pakistan be like if PTI wins?

    IK will end the WoT as you see it but it will continue as the US dictates, in a different form maybe, as the US will be willing to compromise and allow IK to save face, nonetheless, the US will meet its objectives and gain all it is today even under IK tomorrow, just in a different form, that's...
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    What will Pakistan be like if PTI wins?

    PTI has got some major work ahead of it...... The 90 promise by IK to end corruption must be a priority, as one should neveroverlook the outside interference which will force IK to amend approach and promises to the Pakistani people. Let's be very realistic, unless IK can actually end...
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    Nawaz paid Rs2.5m, Shahbaz Rs5m in taxes

    Errrrrrrrrrrr..... This is known however we are enquiring the tax issue. PML-N have beaten these numbers around this year for quite a while however we are not interested in the company sales tax but more on their personal income tax which is zilt.
  15. T

    President Zardari in Dubai for treatment;Speculations,True lies and Rumors

    This is where the big problems lay when leaders of a nation go abroad to receive treatment. Why could he not go to CMH or a local hospital, it is because he knows which condition he has left these hospitals in Pakistan........ When leaders start to receive treatment at home, then better...
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    Stupid!ty clearly knows no bounds with the likes of you. My posts with regards to Ahmadis are backed fully with quotes, references and argument, and not one argument to date has been challenged and clarified, so keep your Indian f!lth to yourself. You clearly do not have any sort of knowledge...
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    makelovenotwar.............. is that the same policy for the British genocide of world war II where the British deliberately bombed civilians homes and killed 30 or so million people........... or maybe the most recent absolute despicable and disgusting policy of "oil for FOOD" program, give us...
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    What right do you then have to comment on this subject when you have just read the first line............. you are a first class fool, Indian ,mentality........... anything with Muslim in there, lets jump on the band wagon for abuse. It appears that anything done by Muslims or Islam must be a...
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    PTI head-hunting spree continues

    IK is doing well and should continue with the current path........... the media are not giving him a fair share of coverage as opposed to other parties, hence his candidates are not getting well known, hence the move of taking known cleaner faces and causing a split within the main...
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    American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

    Who said anything about the US air force. The Shamsi airbase is on Pak soil, and as such the armoured unit is there to provide protection and threat of force. The US will not risk attacking the unit with air force whilst on Pak soil, they will be lynched and they know the fall out. It is a big...
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