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  1. T

    Kashmir: Declare Ahmadis non-Muslims: Grand Mufti

    Goes to show your mentality and upbringing with this sort of language. However, for both of you now, if you go down this sort about it being Kashmiri, then a whole new thread will need to be opened about whether Kashmir is a part of India or not, and I think you know our views pretty clear...
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    Kashmir: Declare Ahmadis non-Muslims: Grand Mufti

    It appears as though the Indians have again, as stated before decided to hijack the thread into a p1ssing contest and bring forth old archived material about Pakistan and we too as Pakistanis can do exactly the same and bring forward photos of death, rape and all sorts to counter all the...
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    Kashmir: Declare Ahmadis non-Muslims: Grand Mufti

    Oh yes, Narendra Modi comes to mind........anyway back to the topic of Ahmadis declared as non-muslim. This is a Islamic issue and explained in great detail as to why this position is so, I do not think a bunch of Hindus are well rehearsed with that and the cover painting hindus are trying to...
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    Kashmir: Declare Ahmadis non-Muslims: Grand Mufti

    Your views are most welcome but not agreed with........thank you
  5. T

    Saudi Arabia warns Iran: Will not tolerate threats to Gulf state

    Than by your understanding, did the Prophet (PBUH) fear the Mushriks of Makkah more then Allah after Uhud.......... think before you say please Brother. Iran too has done things in reply of what the Arabs have done........ yet the differences between us are small..... but the will to deal...
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    Kashmir: Declare Ahmadis non-Muslims: Grand Mufti

    So you Indians are going to raise a point like tolerance and let live, and when you get a reply over that you want to go to, its 2012............ Oh well, by that logic then the OBL incident was in 2011.................. lets move on..........
  7. T

    Kashmir: Declare Ahmadis non-Muslims: Grand Mufti

    So....as you say, to prove their point.......Well I have proved my point and instead of countering that, like any Indian you come up with something as silly as that......... yawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn
  8. T

    Kashmir: Declare Ahmadis non-Muslims: Grand Mufti

    No one is talking about your devotion in that faith, but the fact that an attack has been launched by a group fo people on OUR faith and as such we should face it and clearly highlight it. THAT IS OUR RIGHT ALSO......... Ahmadis are the ones whose leaders showed absolute loyalty to the British...
  9. T

    Kashmir: Declare Ahmadis non-Muslims: Grand Mufti

    I expect nothing less from an Indian with regards to be red bold part........ Indian mentality and attitude in a debate....... Secondly, the point was raised about letting people live the way they ant. Hence I raised that you should too let people live the way they want in Kashmir....... The...
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    Saudi Arabia warns Iran: Will not tolerate threats to Gulf state

    My friend, it takes two to tango......... Iran too has had many suffering at the hands of "freedom fighters", "terrorists" "Mujahids" etc etc etc, call them as you will both sides are to blame for everything that has happenned. Sunni/Shia or whatever the views, the differences between both are...
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    Kashmir: Declare Ahmadis non-Muslims: Grand Mufti

    Funny that huh........ why dont the Indians let the Kashmiris live that way, away from India also........ That logic of yours is flawed. By your argument then Muslims too should be allowed to live as they want, hey that means not to attack Islam by the ideology of Ahmadiyyat who itself...
  12. T

    Kashmir: Declare Ahmadis non-Muslims: Grand Mufti

    If you go by the mentality of individual Muslims then you can see it that way, however Sunni/Shia means nothing, both parties with whetever there views about certains topics are Muslim. Your above comment about being too tolerant, Brahmins cannot even accept Dalits/Shudras let alone a group...
  13. T

    Saudi Arabia warns Iran: Will not tolerate threats to Gulf state

    You know.............who put Saudi Arabia in charge here......... Iran is not threatend anyone other then countries who threaten itself. The Saudis have US bases. The UAE has recently allowed the air force to station F22s nearby and the Oman and Bahrain have other Naval bases used to spy on Iran...
  14. T

    Kashmir: Declare Ahmadis non-Muslims: Grand Mufti

    The thing is, these Indians seriously think Islam will rotate around their Indian Constitution........... this has never happenned in 1400 years and will never happen in another 1400 years......... Nonetheless, the issue is about Ahmadis and when they themselves declare others as Kaffirs, then...
  15. T

    Expats more patriot than residents of Pakistan

    Pakistanis living in Pakistan and out of Pakistan are patriot to the State of Pakistan. Its just that the status qou in Pakistan has depleted the Pakistanis and segregated them into smaller useless and non-approachable groups which causes weakness. Hence the State of Pakistan today. I too...
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    Kashmir: Declare Ahmadis non-Muslims: Grand Mufti

    That is in a nutshell. There are many many claims made by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad which I can bring forward here. But like what twilight bought out, the Bahai faith always was an offshoot from Islam, yet they declared themselves a separate faith and as such moved away from Islam and Muslims. Yes they...
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    Kashmir: Declare Ahmadis non-Muslims: Grand Mufti

    You hit the nail on the head. The British were the ones who created them in order to throw doubt about the Muslim concept of Jihad as from all the groups in India fighting the British, Hindu, Sikh, Muslims, the Muslims were the most "troublesome" for the Britishers hence they worked in this plot...
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    Kashmir: Declare Ahmadis non-Muslims: Grand Mufti

    First thing, it is not your country as you will in Canada so please get your facts right........ Secondly Islam has no borders, hence we could not give two swivels about your constitution or laws, we will not have you dictate our faith to us wherever we are. Back to the topic, Ahmadis being...
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    Kashmir: Declare Ahmadis non-Muslims: Grand Mufti

    That's exactly what I do tend to do, especially when they try to make a smart comment about matters like Jinnah, forgetting altogether about the character of Gandhi which when exposed they get all emotional and sentimental........ Nonetheless I do not understand why the Bhartis dont support...
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    Kashmir: Declare Ahmadis non-Muslims: Grand Mufti

    My friend you are in for a big shock about them, which is why they do not wish to discuss matters which shows their true colours. I am waiting for Ahmadis to defend their position here before I start bringing out their text again for all to see. Long and short of it is that their leader Mirza...
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