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  1. T

    More than 450 Indian migrants dead in Qatar in 2012-2013

    Price of civilisation. **** Qataris. indians, you have Su-30MKIs..why don't just bomb them? Show them the power!!!
  2. T

    List of Indian Inventions

    No. I study this stuff on academic level. "History of intellectual development of pre-modern societies". Please don't give me this bullshit. 1,2,3,4,5,6 etc...are direct "Arabic" numerals...Thats how you write Arabic numerals in Latin script. numerals in ancient sanskrit aren't even known to...
  3. T

    List of Indian Inventions

    not precisely true. Arabs also played a role in the development of modern numerals, specially modern numeric system is purely Arabic--even if some numbers were gotten from "Al Hind" There is a reason it is called "Indo-Arab" numerals and not just indian numerals passed down to Europe by Arabs...
  4. T

    List of Indian Inventions

    LMAO!!! What a retarded list copy-pasted from wikipedia compiled by bunch of indian fanboys :lol::lol::lol: sure india did get things in the past..but this is just ridiculous. Heck, even "Obesity" is regarding as "indian invention" in the above list...:rofl: india is of smaller...
  5. T

    India-Qatar LNG deal at $10-12 poses challenge to Pakistan

    No, mentally retarded slow indian. Under human circumstances, business should be run like business..and that is exactly what is happening here. Say you own a shop...your family member buys two kg rice for rs 40 per kg..but there's a third party who buys 50 kg rice wholesale on Rs 35 per...
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    Pakistan buys 13 F16 from Jordan

    More F-16s...and then some even more F-16s...lol F-16 carries more payload, have 11 hardpoints, sophisticated BVRs, and one of the most agile jet out there... F-16 is certainly a legend! Packs of F-16Cs armed with AIM-120Cs hunting down enemy aircraft over friendly airspace? Enemy will...
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    Pakistan, Saudi Arabia decide to carry out joint defence ventures

    lol...phussss. we thought something worthwile is coming up...lol
  8. T

    IAF bombshell: Difficult to tackle China-Pak threat

    :lol: two-front war? iaf needs to stop pissing in pants and indians need to focus more on their poors and toiletless peoples.. PAF will only attack india if india decides to attack Pakistan first. Other than that, all PAF fighter jets would be used to defend Pakistani Airspace... iaf is good...
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    Halal Easter eggs and cat food: where big money meets religion

    Stfu with your conspiracy theories which are as fart-face as your actual face. Next: Illuminati is controlling everything and load shedding in Pakistan happens due to secret illuminati hands...
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    Turkish Rotor Technology Center launched

    Turkey needs hundreds of billions of dollars investment in defence sector..They are the largest military in mainland Europe... Turkey is now developing Tanks, anti-tank weapons, armored vehicles, air-launched cruise missiles and stand-off weapons, artillery guns etc. etc. Then it is producing...
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    Halal Easter eggs and cat food: where big money meets religion

    Yeah retard, jesus wasn't talking about "dietry laws" here...but rather a moral metaphor as you can read it by yourself.
  12. T

    India-Qatar LNG deal at $10-12 poses challenge to Pakistan

    Ummah is very much there...Why you bring ummah here? Are you mentally retarded? Business is business. If you own a shop..and your family members come to the shop...for their every week shopping--will you just give them free stuff? Would they even let you do that? Qatar is doing fine business...
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    Egyptian Armed Forces

    If Iran gets a nuclear bomb, will Egypt get it too? o_O
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    Kayani rebuts Imran’s remarks on chances of operation’s success

    Recently, Ulema Council called Talibans as their "sons"---There is a big segment in Pakistani society who is sympathetic to the call of Islamic Law in Pakistan. In such situation, how will operation succeed? Everyone in Pakistan should come together and announce a full-fledged Jihad against TTP...
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    Kayani rebuts Imran’s remarks on chances of operation’s success

    Everything is fucked up in Pakistan....
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