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  1. Lonely Hermit

    Pakistani leaders call for strong Iran-Pakistan relationship

    I really doubt that sir as much i like that would be the case, Pakistan along with KSA used the Talibs as an instrument of its foreign policy against both India and Afghanistan. One complete decade of violence has not stopped the Pakistan ISI and military establishment to change their stands...
  2. Lonely Hermit

    Friends and Enemies earned by India and China

    To OP: Kindly learn something about geopolitics nation formulates policy on the basis of their interest
  3. Lonely Hermit

    India plans strategic rail lines to stop China in its tracks

    Good move logistics wins war not numbers.
  4. Lonely Hermit

    Tibet border: US seeks India's nod to hunt for 94 lost in WWII

    @Chinese Members: Those 94 lost in WWII were fighting for you guys against the Japanese show respect to dead soldiers, its time for them to return home.
  5. Lonely Hermit

    Congrats Sinochallenger for completing 2000 posts!!!

    congrats buddy, you are one of the few posters who knows how to entertain unintentionaly.
  6. Lonely Hermit

    Give me more security, my life is in danger: Hafiz Saeed

    Tell this to those whose family died in Mumbai attacks, the master mind responsible for killing 100's of people still roams free. Why do you think there is so much ethnic violence in Pakistan, mark my word sir until the time Pakistani establishment uses bas**** like Hafiz Saeed as an...
  7. Lonely Hermit

    India is a friend or foe of the Muslim world

    sir stop wasting your time, you are talking to deaf ears. Gentleman above has the habit of posting anti India thread, learn to ignore the troll.
  8. Lonely Hermit

    Give me more security, my life is in danger: Hafiz Saeed

    I have great admiration for the yanks when they deal with scum like these. The Indian govt cannot even bring to justice this mass murderer, who openly preaches hate against India.
  9. Lonely Hermit

    The Russian visit

    Bravo Junk you are genius:rofl:, dude out of curiosity what do you do for a living. I hope you are some sort of comedian because people like you can give Russell Peter a run for his money.
  10. Lonely Hermit

    India climbdown may help China border dispute

    So does that mean we wont be getting any more warning from China and also Sino Chalenger in PDF:cry:. Who will provide as with comical relief?:undecided:
  11. Lonely Hermit

    kalu_miah's new world order, a road map for the future

    Miah i must say you are to idealistic aankh mey assoo aajata hey hai:cry:. But human greed is such that man will always try to divide whether on the basis of gender, skin colour, religion or language . Though for the sake of humanity i hope mankind unite and a new global order follows. PS:Out...
  12. Lonely Hermit

    The Russian visit

    Well troll are troll best thing is to avoid them. Now on topic yes it is a good thing that Russia and Pakistan are having good relationship. Coming to Pakistan diplomacy i have to say it is exceptionaly pathetic, for Pakistan diplomacy means a zero sum affair. Lets take for example PM Gilani...
  13. Lonely Hermit

    The Russian visit

    Why whats wrong with me questioning that the said source formulates the policy of Moscow, even in India many commentators criticise the Govt foreign policy. If i paste that article and start posting comment that the source provided is gospel of truth then how can you say what is right and what...
  14. Lonely Hermit

    The Russian visit

    Why whats there to dream about every commentator has his own personal view, lets take India-China dynamic would anybody would have guessed 2 decades ago that we would have a 71 B$ trade. Sir the world is not black and white as S19 rightly pointed out Pakistan messed up its foreign policy big...
  15. Lonely Hermit

    The Russian visit

    Hmmm American proxy you mean to say the country which right after independence surendered its foreign policy to the great Satan (Uncle Sam). Allowed to operate its bases from its home country for surveilance of USSR. Then fought a proxy war against the Soviet on the wishes of great satan:devil...
  16. Lonely Hermit

    The Russian visit

    Does this Russian source of yours sir formulates the policy of Moscow .
  17. Lonely Hermit

    The Russian visit

    Hey why cant i access the 6th page
  18. Lonely Hermit

    The Russian visit

    Or it can also be that you are trying to twist the facts to satisfy your own ego sir.
  19. Lonely Hermit

    The Russian visit

    Sir no offense but you yourself some time act like a Premium troll, i say this out of my observing from your post. Since the amount of time you spent on PDF it will be better if you do some constructive and practical discussion. The world is an unfair place thinks do not occur as you may wish...
  20. Lonely Hermit

    The Russian visit

    What ever you want to call it, but India-Russia relationship is a mutualy beneficial relationship. Now before some people start making alliances like the grand Russia and China alliance i want to ask you people why is Russia investing with India when it comes to nuclear submarine, air craft...
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