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  1. Aspahbod

    Iranian Navy Receives 2 new Ghadir-Class Midget-Submarines

    Sure. midget subs are not suitable for long range-deep operations. They are designed for use in littoral shallow waters.
  2. Aspahbod

    Iran starts manufacturing Jamaran 2 "destroyer"

    The term "Destroyer" is a translation error. This is because frigates and destroyer are both called "Nav-shekan" in Persian. The exact word to word translation is more similar to destroyer and thus makes a lot of confusion Anyway Jamaran 2 is actually under construction from 2009 and is being...
  3. Aspahbod

    Made in Iran

    Royana, first animal cloned in middle east. Shangul & Mangul, First transgene goats which have the Coagulation Factor-9 in their milk which can help people with hemophilia type B. Such people just need to drink such milk. Their children which also have this gene.
  4. Aspahbod

    Made in Iran

    Some home appliance
  5. Aspahbod

    Made in Iran

    Some pharmaceutical products
  6. Aspahbod

    Stealth drone was brought down over Iran by China!!!

    Right after seeing this, I understood we are going to read a bunch of BS:lol: I'd rather believe that Americans themselves gave the drone to us than Chinese did this.
  7. Aspahbod

    Made in Iran

    Asre-67 laser guided air to surface missile: TLS-99 laser designator pod for Sattar and Asre-67. Yasser 750lb air to surface rocket Kite aerial munition dispenser: Zoobin EO guided air to surface missile:
  8. Aspahbod

    Made in Iran

    New Iranian designed Anti Material rifle: Boragh APC: Armed with 120mm mortar: Qassed 1 PGM: Qassed 3 Missile:
  9. Aspahbod

    Made in Iran

    Sarir APC Mohajer 4-A0410 Iranian made Photoelectric cells: Iranian made 40mm rapid fire cannon for warships: Iranian made heavy machine gun:
  10. Aspahbod

    Made in Iran

    Iranian upgraded copy of I-HAWK called Shahin Guidance system of I-HAWK: Guidance system of Shahin Guidance system of upgraded Shahin called Shalamche with 10km more range and a new radar:
  11. Aspahbod

    Made in Iran

    HM 41 is an Iranian howitzer which claimed to be based on American M114. In appearance, it is very similar to South Korean KH179. It has a 155 mm/39 calibre barrel with a muzzle brake to lessen the recoil. According to Iranian sources, the 155 mm/39 calibre HM41 weighs 6,890 kg and firing a...
  12. Aspahbod

    Made in Iran

    Mesbah 1 Mesbah 1 is an Iranian anti aircraft artillery system developed to defend against incoming cruise missiles. It was unveiled in 2010 by Iranian defense minister Ahmad Vahidi and hit it's intended target successfully in the test. Production started some months later. Mesbah uses 4...
  13. Aspahbod

    Iran unveiled anti ship Zafar cruise missile

    That "red" thing is just a cover to protect the nosecone. Nosecone of these missiles are white as can be seen in all videos.
  14. Aspahbod

    Iran unveiled anti ship Zafar cruise missile

    Really interesting. I solved the mystery of your everyday nonsense. You are completely blind (and probably mentally retarded). You can't see the differences between C-704/Nasr-1 and this missile. C-704 Nasr-1 Zafar And of course, as you are mentally retarded, you can't understand that the...
  15. Aspahbod

    Iran's Satellite Program and Developments

    Relatively old but with good info about Fajr satellite 'Iran's Fajr satellite ready to launch' Iran's Electronics Industry (IEI) says it has delivered domestically-built Fajr satellite to the country's Aerospace Industries Organization, adding that the device is ready to launch. “This...
  16. Aspahbod

    Iran's Satellite Program and Developments

    Tehran was going to be sunny today according to weather forecasts.
  17. Aspahbod

    Iran's Satellite Program and Developments

    According to officials it is going to be launched if weather becomes calm. Currently it is snowing in Tehran and Semnan which hosts our launching site is not far from here.
  18. Aspahbod

    Iran unveiled anti ship Zafar cruise missile

    This is not the "Iranian version of C-704" although there are some confusions. Some say C-704 is a joined production between Iran and China that is called Nasr-1 in Iran. Janes said that the missiles are developed for Iran and when TL-6 was unveiled in China in 2004, It's brochures were...
  19. Aspahbod

    Iran's Satellite Program and Developments

    It is the heaviest satellite we have ever launched. Also we will be seeing the launch of Tolue and Fajr with the new Simorgh SLV soon.
  20. Aspahbod

    Iran's Satellite Program and Developments

    Picture of the satellite:
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