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  1. retaxis

    China-Japan Island Dispute Could Become Flashpoint

    In my opinion, and politics is all opinions, Russia and China always push against Japan at very similar times and they always advocate for each other at similar times. Obviously they are not going to go out blatantly and say we are allies fear us because thats not the way Chinese do things...
  2. retaxis

    China-Japan Island Dispute Could Become Flashpoint

    China is allied with Russia. China puts pressure on Japan at the same time Russia puts pressure on Japan regarding Kurils. It just shows mutual support. I don't know wtf you Indians are thinking maybe you are children thinking international politics is a computer game.
  3. retaxis

    China military power almost equal to USA in East Asia

    Before my time passes one man will rule this world
  4. retaxis

    Romans vs Han China

    Your an idiot I haven't made a single post about you trolls arguing about your stupid sh1t until now. Whether ur Chinese or European i don't care your all idiots to me and nothing you said so far has contributed to this thread. So what are the likely Roman tactics used if they meet the Chinese...
  5. retaxis

    Romans vs Han China

    Uh no most people want to talk about strategy, tactics, commanders, logistics and formations. Not you and other trolls waving ur kiddy flags
  6. retaxis

    Romans vs Han China

    Came to the conclusion that strategy and leadership played the most important role Chinese cavalry will outnumber Roman cavalry however Chinese infantry will be far less armoured. Chinese often utilize missile warfare e.g. Crossbows, cavalry archers etc. If they have enough arrows. Romans will...
  7. retaxis

    Romans vs Han China

    I must state that heavy infantry and logistics doesn't go hand in hand. Anything heavy is going to cause issues when travelling, and even fighting e.g. carrying 30kgs of armour and shield all day standing in formation causes significant stamina issues. Other then leadership, battle hardened...
  8. retaxis

    Romans vs Han China

    Surenas outsmarted Crassus. Crassus thought the Persians would run out of arrows. They didn't.
  9. retaxis

    Romans vs Han China

    Yes exactly as said above Rome had few number of cavalry as compared with Infantry. Their weakness has always been mobility however great generals like Caesar or Pompeii were able to bypass this issue by strategy via entrapment, waiting/starving them out etc. If war happened in Rome's and...
  10. retaxis

    Romans vs Han China

    Why is this forum gone so off topic? Some random troll whose probably not even white starts talking sh1t about supremacy got people riled up. No such thing as supremacy anyway since each individual person is different.
  11. retaxis

    Romans vs Han China

    The greatest advantage China has over Rome is political stability. Rome has millions of slaves which, if left unchecked, are enemy combatants e.g. Spartacus. They may even work with the Chinese to topple Rome from the inside whereas China abandoned slavery in the Han days.
  12. retaxis

    Romans vs Han China

    Doesn't mean sh1t. Each commander is different and each battle is different. e.g. art of war didn't do the Chinese any good against the Mongols.
  13. retaxis

    Romans vs Han China

    Depends on so many factors - Logistical issues e.g. weight of gear carried Romans (27kg), miles marched per night - Formation and strategy and adaptation - commanders and generals - economy - Rome had millions of slaves which must be kept in check at all times which was why Rome could...
  14. retaxis

    QBU-09 12.7x108mm Anti material rifle with digitized fire control system

    China and Russia are allies not only against America but also against resurging Japan, Islamic terrorism and Nato expansion. Russia would even sell out Mongolia to China completely If China agreed to support say Kazahstan as part of Russia etc.
  15. retaxis

    Taiwan shows force in biggest live-fire drill since 2008

    duh..he didn't even post the news source. Likely just some blogger hater as you can see its made up especially the quotes.
  16. retaxis

    Terror plot to blow up Territorial Army center with a toy car

    sun tzu say rule one in being a terrorist is not looking like a terrorist.
  17. retaxis

    Disintegration of China because of economic collapse?

    Children have to believe in fairytales to make themselves happy, then they grow up and realise the world is far more complicated then they ever realised and its not black and white. Freedom is a great concept and as a masters student who has studied psychology, occupational therapy for the...
  18. retaxis

    Disintegration of China because of economic collapse?

    Seriously? When did I say China lost 100million in WW1? Do you know how many people China lost between the years of late 19th century and early 20th century aka warlord era/rebellions
  19. retaxis

    China, Japan, Vietnam & Korea

    like all religions
  20. retaxis

    Disintegration of China because of economic collapse?

    silly man, economy goes up and down, if economy was key to Chinese nation staying together we wouldn't have had a continuous history of 5000 years. Just think about that for a moment before you post again. In the last 100 years China has survived European domination and deaths of over...
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