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  1. retaxis

    China paper calls for Alliance with India against US.

    Anyone who even reads Hindustan Times would have just learned to become literate LOL. I rather read Fox reports about Iran and Pakistan before I read Hindustan Times. They are paid to write articles and to make China/Pakistan look bad its those Indians propaganda outlet.
  2. retaxis

    Tibet will be Free’ says a massive banner welcoming Xi to US.

    What is freedom? Am i free to drive in Australia without a seatbelt? Am i free to park my vehicle reasonable in my own country? Am I free to ask for anti racism against my people? Freedom is nothing but propaganda sadly. I only want to be treated EQUALLY as there is no such thing as freedom.
  3. retaxis

    Score! Largest copper reserve in China found in Tibet

    Tibetans like Uighurs are already sucking on the Chinese bloodlines like African americans sucking on the assimilation policies and taking free housing and extra money and extra placements in university. They are allowed as many children as they want despite the 1 child chinese policy and are...
  4. retaxis

    PLA now called the Chinese Army

    Show some god damn respect to the Chinese people. Don't ever talk to the Chinese people like they are puppets who do not know what is best in their own damn interest. Ignorant fools like yourself always try to attack the very heart of the Chinese people and their government to say that they are...
  5. retaxis

    Pacific Ocean has ample space for China and the US, said China's Xi

    Im not the jobless bum asking for food stamps while my daughter is sleeping with a group of black guys who sells her crack. Maybe you can sucky sucky for some weed? while obama lines up that 3months temp casual job for u :woot: http://rt.com/usa/news/half-poor-america-poverty-909/...
  6. retaxis

    Taking down America

    America is not the same America as it once were. Its a country filled with crack addicts, Mexicans, Blacks, white trash who are mostly semi literate, no skills and definitely don't know how to spend their money. Within another generation we will see major race riots when as the jobless rates...
  7. retaxis

    Pacific Ocean has ample space for China and the US, said China's Xi

    The hostility only exists in your head. You read what you want to read its a bad habit.
  8. retaxis

    Pacific Ocean has ample space for China and the US, said China's Xi

    What position does America have? none sadly.. Look at America turning into a third world hellhole like India...Mexicans swarming everywhere...ghetto states with 50 million below poverty line and a country indebted to China. China wouldn't even need to lift a finger to put America away for...
  9. retaxis

    China's new leader!

    No one leads China. Once you get the red phone your one of 50 people who 'lead' the nation. If you think he say or do what he pleases without the authority of the CCP then you must think China is America or something. While Hu was president we wanted and he provided us with a "harmonious...
  10. retaxis

    China getting wary of allies

    They are not a bridge between China and US but a bridge between China and the Islamic world.
  11. retaxis

    Facing the Challenge of China, Should India Embrace the U.S.?:TIME Magazine

    Your still insanely poor...In fact In 79 the Indian economy was twice the size of the Chinese economy. What happened there chief? Whats funny is that you will continue to give me every excuse under the sun for religious/caste/separatist/terrorist issues until your cows come home but at the...
  12. retaxis

    Facing the Challenge of China, Should India Embrace the U.S.?:TIME Magazine

    Don't jump to conclusions Indian. What I want doesn't matter because I am not a fan boy. I merely point out the social/cultural/religious/caste issues which still hinders Indian progression into a modern state. Want to line up and compare yourselves with the big boys? then you have to 1. Resolve...
  13. retaxis

    China getting wary of allies

    Pakistan is an all weather friend of China since both 'modern' countries were created. Countries such as "burma" or North Korea are authoritarian like China but they do not care about their citizens livelihood or improvement of living standards which makes them almost pariah states which...
  14. retaxis

    Facing the Challenge of China, Should India Embrace the U.S.?:TIME Magazine

    Question is not should India embrace the US but Can India embrace the US? India has a huge minority population of Muslims and North Easterners who would rather see India burn to the ground then Accept Israel or rather. This may be a reason why Hindu fanatics have been stepping up their attacks...
  15. retaxis

    China getting wary of allies

    Every day Americans sit on their couches hoping and wishing that the two largest populations "hordes" end up wiping each other out so that America stays top dog. The Indian media especially Times of India and other services have done nothing but to promote this thought. Sad that Indians are...
  16. retaxis

    French Arriel 2C engines (built under license in China), for the Z-9WE

    In 89 I Lived in Tianjin some one and a half hours drive from beijing. I remembered the 'protestors' blocking off the entire square and some 15 blocks around it with hijacked buses and trucks and then setting them alight so that the police can not even walk close to the square. The...
  17. retaxis

    Iran making global economy Asia-centric

    China also 'turned against' North Korea when they were developing nukes as well. Whatever the Telegraph wants to say I couldn't care less
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