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  1. retaxis

    Indian Soldier Awarded for Fighting Off 30 Train Attackers in 2010

    Even if he was not a Gurkha he would do the same with the same valor. It is not his race that made him nor his religion but his own heart. Most men will watch and say that girl is not mine nor my family why must I care? this man only saw the woman as his SISTER. How many can see that? Its not...
  2. retaxis

    Indian Soldier Awarded for Fighting Off 30 Train Attackers in 2010

    There are only two types of men in this world in the heat of battle. Those who can perceive innocents are similar to their family members thus creating a legacy of greatness and those who care about their own ***** and wish to destroy as many as they can. This man, when he viewed the woman who...
  3. retaxis

    Turkey concerned over Xinjiang incidents

    Turkeys enemies include Iran/Iraq/SA/Most of Islamic world/PKK/Greece god the list goes on. Let them duke it out the Chinese wish no war but only better lives for this spoiled generation.
  4. retaxis

    Chinese leader warns Tibetans against separatism

    A terrorist is a person or organisation which terrorizes the stability of nationhood which is the utmost important to Chinese people. Letting traitors/terrorists burn is the least they can do. Finding their families and exposing them as traitors would the right thing to do. The world is not...
  5. retaxis

    Indian Soldier Awarded for Fighting Off 30 Train Attackers in 2010

    A man who thinks of another as their own sister and brother...Is a man who draws a larger circle of family in their life and has a destiny of greatness. He should be not only a future leader but the face of future leaders.
  6. retaxis

    Turkey concerned over Xinjiang incidents

    Turks every now and then will even bark at their masters (US) but they are who they inherently are...pawns. They will do what the US and Israel asks them to do in the end if that means supporting Terrorists in Western China then so be it.
  7. retaxis

    Chinese nuclear modernization: Smaller and later

    Does it really matter if China didn't even have nuclear weapons but developing them? The Westerners always want to persceive the good old "we are the world police and taking care of things" approach" capich?
  8. retaxis

    CHINA- emerging Superpower

    China is a nation in my own eyes is not a nation (like America) that we will ever see before. China will bring true globalisation and understanding to this world and leave this world with two races after 50 or 100 years. The good old hard working educational race and the welfare race. China...
  9. retaxis

    An India-China Military Conflict? – Part II

    I think many uneducated and simplistic Chinese and Indians think of a war but they do not think of the simple most relevant fact of what benefits them the most...While Americans and Europeans talk about the Indian/Chinese scourge in their house holds and how best to erase the plagues of humans...
  10. retaxis

    Another Child Sacrifice In India

    Let the US world police settle this in the correct manner?
  11. retaxis

    Chinese leader warns Tibetans against separatism

    the same US British media will non the less push the agenda. What will be the consequence of wipping out Tibetan separatists? Can US risk warning China? No...Because in 5 short years China can develop over 15000 warheads. Its the good old "get em while their weak". Tibetan terrorists never...
  12. retaxis

    China All Su-35 news

    Only thing war ever tests is credibility...China was a weak nation with no ecnonomy ( half of Indians economy in 62) but war fighting spirit allowed the chinese to destroy the Indians in war. Remember friends of the world..to fight china is to either wipe them out with nuclear weapons or fight...
  13. retaxis

    France’s secret war against the Syrian people

    Sigh why does everything has to do with religion...If Saudis don't see it...its only a matter of time before Israel and US start targeting them like Iran as well. Come on folks wisen the bloody hell up
  14. retaxis

    VN affirms sovereignty over Hoang Sa, Truong Sa

    The phillis and malays are gonna be maaaaaaad
  15. retaxis

    China, India, Japan to Cooperate on International Naval Escorts

    Escorting what in exactly? the usual suspect of a few guys with Aks on motor boats?
  16. retaxis

    Why China is FAR Superior to india!!

    Win your war then talk. Oh wait your just another Indian living in Western countries...great talk chappy great talk ---------- Post added at 03:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:09 PM ---------- Implode with great wealth and prosperity if that is what your pushing at :yahoo:
  17. retaxis

    China tightens controls over temples, monasteries in Tibet

    Indian has a problem with Chinese people providing freedom to the million slaves in Tibet? They rather Tibet be a slave province of India rather a well treated equality province of China. Any India want to challenge me with this sentiment when I am in China can say hello to my Type 81 baby.
  18. retaxis

    China All Su-35 news

    Logic fails Indians to the point that at times it fails Nigerians...Do we always have to discuss why Nigeria is a social/political failure compared to China? No..Why must we even bother to appease Indians in similar fashion? both Live in big slums with caste/religious issues dividing man from...
  19. retaxis

    Avalanches hit Kashmir Valley; at least 9 soldiers killed

    Go off yourself mate I merely meant soldiers deserve their dieing breath on the battlefield rather it taken away from them unpreparedly in a freak occurance.
  20. retaxis

    China could lease Hainan to Pakistan, in return for Gilgit !!!!

    Okay I lease you Tibet go take it now its your brother. I just won't pay for your medical bills if you end up shot okay?
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