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  1. retaxis

    France to help India realise high-speed train dream

    Then you have no idea what you are talking about.
  2. retaxis

    France to help India realise high-speed train dream

    If it is not a matter of 'honor' China successfully implemented this high speed railway project across China already and has been doing it for multiple countries already. I am sure the Chinese would be able to do this for the Indians since its a technology already well mastered.
  3. retaxis

    Chinese coast guard opens fire on Vietnamese ship

    Because we felt bad about destroying vietnam and leaving them with 150k dead and soil which will never grow again. What else you want China to do? Vietnam already retreat from other SEA nations and watch their entire nation burn to the largest extent. Do you want the Chinese to wage genocide on...
  4. retaxis

    India fires back in border state row with China

    Not a single bullet has been fired over the Chinese-Indian border in over 30years. BBC troll headlines really attract the Indian trolls over here
  5. retaxis

    Russian military-industrial China unsubscribe parts for the Air Force Su 27

    I think its a matter of payment issues. We have seen Russians bump bump and BUMP the prices for India purchases waay over 200-300% of original costs but the Indians still willing purchase it at any price. Chinese simply says "The prices are ludicrious, we are equals and we produce equal to what...
  6. retaxis

    World's largest airport starts construction in China

    Your right in detailing the basic nature that Chinese people are not meagre chest thumpers waiting for recognition from anyone. Chinese are silent excellers and do not like to 'show off', its simply not the mentality.
  7. retaxis

    India Intelliegence Ability is nothing compared to China's ....Learn fast

    I never knew assymetrical warfare and intelligence warfare which succeeds is called 'cheating'. I think that is losers mentality right there...P.S India has absolutely nothing to do with any 5th gen aircraft. They are going to have to pay for any 5th gen like Turkey has to pay for the F-35. Tell...
  8. retaxis

    World's largest airport starts construction in China

    Trolls are a part of life. Bigger men do their best to ignore them unless they are crowded by them
  9. retaxis

    We’re engaging India full thrust: Putin

    I think Vladmir Putin especially very much dislikes (perhaps even Hate west) because they have been trying for the past trying to make him seem undemocratic and a dictator ruler. I believe as long As India cold shoulders the West, Russia may show India further Strategic developments and...
  10. retaxis

    World's largest airport starts construction in China

    Chinese side also has some trolls as well which makes us seem petty although most of us are not. Any mature Chinese person doesn't go around trolling and bring India into every Chinese thread..
  11. retaxis

    china's chemical industry sold out to foreigners

    His name is to antagonise Indians..Plus conservatives from any place in the world are the same..reading what they want to read and having selective vision/hearing.
  12. retaxis

    South Korean fires on Chinese trawler, wounding fisherman

    ^South Korea isn't communist
  13. retaxis

    Chinese coast guard opens fire on Vietnamese ship

    Objective is to send Vietnam back 30years. Operation successful, clear out soldiers.
  14. retaxis

    Iran started "Sarallah" air defence wargames in south of Iran

    I thought Iranian air defence tactics were to dig deeper and deeper bunkers?
  15. retaxis

    Growing Rift Between Hong Kong and Mainland China

    In India there is massive rifts between castes/religion/ethnicity etc which is perhaps why they perceive Chinese people to have major rifts as well but we are homogenous society not like India so its hard for them to understand.
  16. retaxis

    South Korean fires on Chinese trawler, wounding fisherman

    This day and age the younger generation don't care about anything anymore. All East Asians spend most of their day watching tv shows from East Asia and listening to East Asian bands and watching East Asian movies etc. If a few nationalists give you the wrong impression then thats too bad.
  17. retaxis

    Why China is FAR Superior to india!!

    China is not India. Chinese can point to all the statistics in the world and the Indians will just put their finger in their ear and cry communists. Its the same effect where Somalians still think that each Somalian man = worth a group of any other man from any country.
  18. retaxis

    South Korean fires on Chinese trawler, wounding fisherman

    Eh Koreans are like Kurds...A lot of anger issues with those folks. Just gotta pretend you respect their culture and their whereabouts and its all ice cream and cakes
  19. retaxis

    Indian Soldier Awarded for Fighting Off 30 Train Attackers in 2010

    There are a million knife fights on the streets of China every day. Its not the knife that gives you the edge but the swiftness to slash and back out that gives you that slight advantage. A knife with the right hand should have the left hand encircling the upper body of the left as most of the...
  20. retaxis

    Shooting of Iranian Airline demonstration of overwhelming American Power

    America is a nation which can strike when they want wherever they want and cause as much damage as they want and no one should underestimate them. iranians think they have a big bunker...congrats. But they should also understand the same enemies they deal with can drop enough bombs to not only...
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