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  1. P

    Soap Operas and Schools Bring Turkish Culture to Pakistan

    I'm against the indecencies the Turkish soaps may bring into Pakistan. Another thing, is when do Pakistanis think that all Arabs of today's Middle East are all model Muslims? I have seen many messed up Arabs. RiazHaq, your article is bogus. Saudi Arabia has done a lot for Pakistan in the...
  2. P

    Xi Jinping assures China's support for Pakistan

    This will also benefit China in many ways. When Muslims countries see Pakistan having good relations with China, this could draw other Muslim countries into having a good relationship with China also. It seems clear to me that China will have more influence in the Islamic World, vis a vis...
  3. P

    Muslims in America, Christians in Pakistan?

    lol, burning houses cannot be compared to a media war on Islam (the Anti-Muslim ads in USA). Oh please, in USA there have been many reports of shoot-outs agianst Sikhs, because the ignorant Americans thought they were Muslims, because the Sikhs wear the Turbans. :lol: As for those Christians...
  4. P

    Muslims in America, Christians in Pakistan?

    Ethan Casey doesn't know what he is talking about. How can you compare Pakistan to USA? In USA one can find Anti-Muslim ads. In Pakistan can you find anti-Christian ads? Ethan Casey is just being retarded. Did you guys see the ground zero masjid protests, even though USA claims to be a...
  5. P

    China's 'String of Pearls' - Real or Fake?

    lol, Indians quoting American media. Ofcourse Pakistan-Chinese relations disturbs them, because China could pull Russia and Pakistan possibly together, That would cement Muslim-China-Russia alliance. The only thing stopping this is because Russia wants to be neutral towards Pakistan and India...
  6. P

    Gwadar: Can India Checkmate China? – Analysis

    I do agree that India has lost this round. Pakistan and China are the clear victors. What makes you think Iran would want to mess itself over with India. Iran would not sacrifice it's relations with China for India. Another thing is that Iran would not want Pakistan as an enemy.
  7. P

    PBS - Colorado broadcasts 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out

    I have just read the title. Explosive evidence for 9/11. So it was an inside job. I did not watch the video yet.
  8. P

    US, UK against Pakistan nukes

    lol lies and propaganda. Pakistan rejected the notion of tranporting tactical nukes in vans and also reject the atlantic article. Such bloody liars the American are. Another thing they mentioned, they said " They would like Pakistan to be nuclear free." lol such bloody hypocrites the Americans...
  9. P

    US, UK against Pakistan nukes

    Yes I have thought logically. Because Pakistan and USA interests do not match and hence USA will try to use unjust force to achieve her objectives like what USA did to Mohammed Mossadegh and to Afghanistan and Iraq. Its no conspiracy theory at all. USA has done wrong things against other...
  10. P

    Pakistani Islamists outraged by paintings

    What do you mean by Muslim Extremists? I condemn the Gay/Lesbian paintings. This is totally against our religion. Gay/Lesbian paintings must be banned. This is totally Haraam. Anyone who paints this should be punished appropriately according to Islam.
  11. P

    Lahore Should Be Developed Like Delhi: Pak Minister

    Get a grip on yourself. You just posted this to think as if Pakistanis look up to India stuff. Please give me a break! We Pakistanis already have better examples like Islamabad. Please dont ever say that a Pakistani ministers takes India as an example for anything. It would be...
  12. P

    Pakistan recognises the Republic of Kosovo

    Yes, perhaps Kosovo, Albania, and Bosnia and Herzgovina may want to buy JF-17s. Hey, there are no strings attached.
  13. P

    Taimur: Pakistan's ICBM?

    Terribly overdue. We should have gotten an ICBM many years ago.
  14. P

    Saudi detains 41 for "plotting to celebrate Christmas".

    Genius, Islam also says to protect minorities, but it doesn't mean that minorities have more rights than the majority! No duh!
  15. P

    pakistanis - I dream of a day

    Wow, what a powerful video. I totally understand what the video's message is. Its how we are weak in this day and age. Because we constantly invaded, killed, or our region disturbed by outsiders. I disagree with the part that says "We are the only ones to blame." Like come on, Colonialism had...
  16. P

    Saudi detains 41 for "plotting to celebrate Christmas".

    I hope you are joking right? Muslim countries don't claim to be secular or a land of freedom. So that pretty much settles that debate. So when Muslims immigrate to the west they don't see any double standards. As for Muslims needing to rectify their image, please give me a break. If...
  17. P

    Pakistan - The True Heir Of Indus Valley Civilization.

    lol you are going on a tangent. Stop arguing for the sake of arguing. History of Indonesia has nothing to do with the history of "Republic of India" as much as Pakistan and Afghanistan do. lol about you claiming Cambodians and Vietnamese claiming to be a part of Indian civilization. LOL What...
  18. P

    Pakistan - The True Heir Of Indus Valley Civilization.

    We are proud of their scientific achievement and cultural creativity, not their false beliefs. Please Are you trying to say Muslims cannot claim IVC. Egyptians claim the Egyptian civilization, Iran claims the Persian civilization, and we are taking what rightfully belongs to us. We took back...
  19. P

    Pakistan - The True Heir Of Indus Valley Civilization.

    Indeed, this article obviously brings convincing evidence such as the Gurdaspur-Kathiwar salient and the the major cities of IVC were mostly in Pakistan. Good and convincing article. Indians do need to wake up that IVC does not belong to the history of the modern day "Republic of India."
  20. P

    Pakistan - The True Heir Of Indus Valley Civilization.

    umm, no. IVC was a Urbanite civilization, this is evident by their advanced city planning. lol, your desperate argument about that people were not stable to any particular place is quite false. The Persians were one of the civilizations that stayed in one place just like the IVC. I will agree...
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