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  1. M

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    PTI Supporters still in shock lol
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    India’s 9/11. Who was Behind the Mumbai Attacks?

    You are idiot hindustani. Drones are being used against those who are fighting with Pakistan army i.e TTP since Pakistan joined War on terror with US/NATO. It has nothing to do with you cowards crying victim of Pakistani state terrorism and politicise it. You cried too much in front of your...
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    India’s 9/11. Who was Behind the Mumbai Attacks?

    as if Pakistani or world care about your moaning and crying
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    India’s 9/11. Who was Behind the Mumbai Attacks?

    Indians 9/11 lol why these Indians copy everything from western? westerner got move on now after 9/11 but Indians will keep crying and playing victim card for centuries
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    Hafiz Saeed offers funeral prayers for Kasab

    Why these Hindus are making noise here for such lil news ? You expect him to love India after you killed 36 of his family members during partition. You can cry as much as you wish in here but no one care about your moaning. Hafiz is free man and india has no evidence and no real proof...
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    Israel Suffered a Double Defeat

    Hamas was elected(democracy?) and are freedom fighters alongside the Palestinians fighting an illegal occupation of Palestine by Israel. Why the hell would anyone want to sit idly by and watch while their country is overrun, their houses bulldozed and their farmland seized by the occupier
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    India just hanged Kasab

    I agree with some points that people in leadership/Army can make errors/mistakes and its true for India as well . Indian leadership also made many mistakes during partitions because of which many conflicts were created between two nations which made the seed of hatred grew According to you...
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    India just hanged Kasab

    well i am talking about root cause of terrorism..just cursing on guy is not a solution unless you dont look at motive behind his actions or what he wanted to achieve or what those who used him wanted to gain from all this episode
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    India just hanged Kasab

    You blame pakistan army/ISI for actions of Ajmal or you dont? Be honest? I am not like those pakistani here who are cursing ajmal at one hand when you guys also telling them it was Pakistan army/ISI behind his back? so why curse ajmal if he was just a tool in hands of those who used him for...
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    India just hanged Kasab

    Its not me . its indians who are suggesting that pakistani Army/ISI trained Ajmal or LET and send them on mission in India. You agree or disagree? I dont support TTP because they are not fighting for pakistani army or for pakistani interest but fighting against them and are attacking Pakistani...
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    India just hanged Kasab

    I think you did not even comprehend my posts. Dude go and read with cool mind.Why Pakistani state sponsored Jiha di in kashmir? it was because according to Pakistani sate India occupied it illegally and many people who got killed in wars were because of this conflict kashmir.. Were pakistani...
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    India just hanged Kasab

    These feelings or seed of hatred is mutual my friend. Its not one sided :)
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    India just hanged Kasab

    I want to ask what are your opinions on Indian occupied kashmir before we talk sponsoring terrorism of ****** in kahsmir? is it same as that of Pakistani state? you happy with how india occupied kashmir against the will of kashmir people by invading forces in the region? The number of people...
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    India just hanged Kasab

    You are Pakistani, right? If you think Pakistani army/state sponsored terrorism in india via Ajmal then that mean you are againt yourself because you belong to this state and its your army/country. You are as much resposible as any others pakistani and you think india play no role in exporting...
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    India just hanged Kasab

    How many Pakistani here buy Indian claims that Pakistani Army/ISI trained Ajmal via LET and sent him in India for ek tha tiger mission? If you guys believe in this non sense then that mean you should blame your army/ISI before bashing Ajmal. Then i dont get those pakistani who on one side...
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    Baby Girl

    I think this lady has more balls than this somebozo who is trying very hard to defend the war crimes of his dady isreal
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    Baby Girl

    Somebozo@ Stop defending your master Israel. I don't think they will give you anything for this Butt licking except few thanks. I am sure you know the history of taliban. Who created them? who used their version of Islam for political gains? They were your freedom fighters when they were...
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    Baby Girl

    If somone grabbed your land, throw you out from your own lands and show aggression and oppression on innocent civilians then what islam or any religion suggest? what you should do? No resistance? you are terrorist if you show resistance against oppression and aggression but its not terrroism...
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