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  1. M

    CHINA’S TOP KILLER, Able to deal the the U.S. Navy's Five AC Battle Groups

    Military strategy services political strategy, political strategy for the economic strategy, and economic strategies to the country’s economic base as the criterion, while the economic base determines the superstructure, including the National People’s Congress system and the military’s...
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    Sri Lanka's 950,000th tourist arrives

    You quoted Karunanidhi! B**** plz
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    The Algerian Armed Forces.

    My naughty mind :shout:
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    Why the US , NATO and Israel haven't attacked Iran after 3 decades ?

    Because they have no way to hurt them!
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    Indian Army chief to visit Sri Lanka over bilateral defence cooperation.

    :rofl: :rofl: Yeah! He's a on higher post now, By doing that he showed his anger! Which intervention was no but a bull**** AND NOT TO FORGET IT, THAT HE DESERVED IT :hang2:
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    Indian Army chief to visit Sri Lanka over bilateral defence cooperation.

    LOL also that gave Gandhi a hug with a bomb at last and gave hundreds of yours teardrops. Not to forget that. Oh yeah what we did! Explain! And please dont bring that Channel 4 thing up here OK
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    10 Best Soviet Weoopns

    Here is my top 5!! 1. AK-47 2. T-34 3. RPG-7 4. Mig-21 5. SS-25
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    Sri Lanka defence?

    LoL these days! Burkino Faso has only 11,200 men. and the only spend 140million!
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    Will Syria go down?

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    Will Syria go down?

    I know there is many threads about this. But all of those clearly gives ot a simple idea! i don't need heavy answers! Simply say Yes or No! or few words! And if asked me I say No because only parts of Syria supports FSA! And There's a lot people backing Assad too! But the thing is...
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    Sri Lanka defence?

    Yep good idea! 15% of our population uses internet and its 3,222,200 so quite good to open a sextion.
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    It is confirmed Sri Lanka Air Force to buy JF-17s

    It may be the first batch! Jayalalithaaaaaaaa
  13. M

    Lovely SRI LANKA - Countryside

    Their Tails!! :P it happens when they came to anger!
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    It is confirmed Sri Lanka Air Force to buy JF-17s

    HaHa! Not like there ministers our ones dont watch **** at the parliment!
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    It is confirmed Sri Lanka Air Force to buy JF-17s

    Are these jets gonna be supplied by Pakistan or China??
  16. M

    Indian Military Picture Thread

    When will India will get hands on those Rafales? I mean delivery schedules?
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