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  1. Ideas_R_Bulletproof

    Four Helicopters to be bought for Food and Disaster Management Ministry

    useful info... but this was already discussed in other threads actually.... there were some follow-up of this as well.... that was regarding Indonesians dealing with IDB, as BD govt. wanted IDB involvement...
  2. Ideas_R_Bulletproof

    Bangladesh Navy: Year 2024

    definitely.... the ships are different in purpose.... though my point was to show the potential weapons configurations... the capacity on our corvettes are grossly underutilised and the current ships are also being put to sea with half their armaments.... and about the roles of these ships...
  3. Ideas_R_Bulletproof

    Bangladesh Air Force

    thats why I said - its quite a history now..... February 2012: "A delegation of Russian defence exports giant Rosoboronexport is visiting the capital to give final shape to the proposed arms purchase deal of $850 million between Dhaka and Moscow. His (Anatoly P Isaikin, chief of...
  4. Ideas_R_Bulletproof

    Myanmar Armed forces thread

    yes, we have good relations with them.... that doesn't mean we bought them out!
  5. Ideas_R_Bulletproof

    Myanmar Armed forces thread

    Myanmar's secret nuclear ambitions: December 2011: "Like their model, North Korea, the [Burmese] junta hopes to remain safe from foreign interference by being too dangerous to invade. Nuclear weapons contribute to that immunity." - Time World Why Burmese Are Studying Nuclear Technology in...
  6. Ideas_R_Bulletproof

    Myanmar Armed forces thread

    this report from June 2013 (in fact, it was published in other networks earlier) says that Myanmar is purchasing HQ-12 (KS-1A) medium-range SAMs to defend their capital Naypyidaw from potential air/missile attack.... the missiles have a range of 50km+... China to provide missiles to Myanmar...
  7. Ideas_R_Bulletproof

    Myanmar Armed forces thread

    SH-1 155mm SP howitzers on display..... more of the S-125 Pechora 2M missiles.... Myanmar displays latest military acquisition during the annual parade of Armed Forces Day 0304131*-*Army Recognition
  8. Ideas_R_Bulletproof

    Myanmar Armed forces thread

    Myanmar surely has S-125 medium-range missile systems for some years now.... these 35km-range missiles are effective against opponents who are not technologically too advanced.... these pictures are from March 2013, but according to this report from early 2011, the missiles must be in...
  9. Ideas_R_Bulletproof

    Should BD purchase the FD-2000 SAM

    a missile like the HQ-9/FD-2000 is a strategic SAM.... not sure why we need to have a 200km range SAM with 180kg warhead at this stage.... the missile will be best utilised when its supported by a proper air defence network, which I'm not sure that we have.... we bought a C4I system from...
  10. Ideas_R_Bulletproof

    Bangladesh Navy: Year 2024

    @Bamboo Castle .... I'm pretty certain that these corvettes are designed to carry 8 C-704.... take a look at the PNS Azmat.... it carries as many as 8 C-802s, though it looks pretty odd with those massive canisters almost overwhelming the small ship.... our corvettes can easily carry 8.... the...
  11. Ideas_R_Bulletproof

    Bangladesh Air Force

    its quite a history now this one..... it started in February 2012.... still no final word!! :cuckoo:
  12. Ideas_R_Bulletproof

    Bangladesh Navy

    really nice to have you here!! :) would surely love to see more..... :china:
  13. Ideas_R_Bulletproof

    Bangladesh Navy

    thanks for the photos!! :) so, you have seen no installment of any kind of missile, is it?
  14. Ideas_R_Bulletproof

    Bangladesh Navy

    thanks for the update!.... well, its not about getting disappointed or not.... its about getting updated with the info.... we would really appreciate any update, as we don't get a lot from our internal sources.... you can post anything that you have.... we'll really appreciate that! :)
  15. Ideas_R_Bulletproof

    Bangladesh Navy

    its Thursday!!.... :yay:
  16. Ideas_R_Bulletproof

    Bangladesh Air Force

    any update from the latest round of negotiations between BAF and Rosoboronexport?
  17. Ideas_R_Bulletproof

    Future Submarine fleet for Bangladesh

    real possibility.... unless the Chinese are willing to give up some of their in-service subs well before their retirement date.... that would mean a drop in their force levels.... not sure whether they would be doing that....
  18. Ideas_R_Bulletproof

    Future Submarine fleet for Bangladesh

    I'm pretty sure that the BN is opting for an off-the-shelf SSK.... judging by the urgency of the buildup, its pretty certain that BN is looking at a force level currently just out of reach if built up only with new ships.... the most urgent ones are coming second hand or smaller ships that can...
  19. Ideas_R_Bulletproof

    Future Submarine fleet for Bangladesh

    I agree with you in the point that the govt. is currently keeping submarine training (especially ASW training) as a priority over creating a deterrent.... though it wouldn't hurt getting both at the same time, particularly if Myanmar gets a couple of Kilos or something similar within the next...
  20. Ideas_R_Bulletproof

    Confirmation required: BAF to loan one squadron of J-10A.

    its interesting that someone was able to speculate this back in June 2011..... "Bangladesh’s growing dependence on Chinese weapon systems could also see the country become the first export customer after Pakistan for the Chinese-built FC-1/JF-17 and FC-20/J-10 fighter aircraft, both of...
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