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  1. K

    Turkey Vs. India.

    But india send its spy stellite Risat-2 in April 2009 by using PSLV. It has a day-night, all-weather monitoring capability. Potential applications include tracking hostile ships at sea that could pose a military threat. And also sending another spy setellite Risat-1 in 2nd Quater of 2010 by...
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    Turkey Vs. India.

    because if china attack india it is true that china win in all respect but it cost him lots.
  3. K

    Turkey Vs. India.

  4. K

    Turkey Vs. India.

    Why you pakistani supporting this turkish man. In the PAK FA new photo thread this man telling that turkey is superior than india,pakistan,china and even russia. http://www.defence.pk/forums/india-defence/56071-pak-fa-photos-videos-13.html open this link read this man's reply
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    Turkey Vs. India.

    No this is not true we accept USA superiority. USA is far superior than india and also accept china is superior than india but we doing work hard to catch them.
  6. K

    Turkey Vs. India.

    Are you live in a myth world? If in future a war starts between india and turkey. No European nation and United States support you with military only support with dialogue. Every India's true allied european nation(like UK, France, Germany) and United States knows that if they sent military...
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    Turkey Vs. India.

  8. K

    India Must Make Peace With Pakistan to Stop Terrorism

    I think india pakistan conflict started in 1947 when both comes in modern history. The Britishers should sent some army to protect kashmir from both india and pakistan and make it as a independent country. and also to protect lakhs of people killed in both india and pakistan in riots after...
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    PAK-FA : photos and videos

    No, i think russia want to invade afganistan together(India and Russia) after total withdraw of NATO-ISAF. and also can also called its other allies. But i think india not sent its army in afganistan because its cost lots of money and india have lots of internal issue.
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    PAK-FA : photos and videos

    I have a question why russia giving us this stealth technology for only money or india was a good ally of former ussr.
  11. K

    PAK-FA : photos and videos

    Are you live in a myth world? If in future a war starts between india and turkey. No European nation and United States support you with military only support with dialogue. Every India's true allied european nation(like UK, France, Germany) and United States knows that if they sent...
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