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  1. T

    Turkey always supported Iran in its nuclear programme: Erdogan

    Iranian should not trust the words of the Turks. They will back stab you so hard, look at syria-Turkish relation..
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    India approves $50 billion naval build-up

    This is good news. Fellow Asians raising, why the sinophobia when China-India can co- operate
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    History of the earth in Two Hours

  4. T

    Buffzone, should we do it?

    Your Erdogan with his pan-ottoman wet dream is pissing of America and Isrealis, The Rus Bear to the north, Syrians and the already pro Netenyahu Greeks and Cyriots. Not Libya achived state of Parieh and despotism. Why on earth would NATO help if Russia bites of the Turks heard.
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    Buffzone, should we do it?

    Russian Su-30 will come to syrian aid from the Turks. Slava class crusier will have a warm water port in Syria. Chinese naval assey should be sent to distroy Turks. A CBG filled with 4 Type 054A and 3 Type 052C + A AC willed with J-15 MR Carrier fighter
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    'Saudi weapons' seen at Syria rebel base

    We Chinamen Should Back the Persians in their eternal crusade Agains gulf nation. But they should first overthrow the mullahs..
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    How Muslims Helped Cause the American Revolution

    Yeah, Ever heard of Talas when 200,000 Muslims struggled with 10,000 Tang China troops Thank god We chinese never experience that type of violence..
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    How Muslims Helped Cause the American Revolution

    True, It was the Axumite Empire that cultivated coffe. Because they ruled South arabia, Coffe was cultived in Yeman highlands by Ethiopian Colonist. Funny that despite persia and Byzantium falling to Arab armies, the Axumites kicked Muslim ***** twice, distroying an Invasion fleet of 30,000 in a...
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    The importance of a strong Chinese Navy for China and the world

    This is purely for Economic gains.
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    Chinese Navy (PLAN) News & Discussions

    Great we have a LPD and a hoovercraft. All we need is dedicated marine corps..
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    FSA threatens to kill the 48 captured Iranians within 48 hours

    Iranians, lets be frank, Syria will fall.
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    Buffzone, should we do it?

    WTF? War already?! Where are the russians?
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    This why China needs a strong navy :

    More Type 52 AAW DDG and 6 Carriers will be sufficent.
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    China To Challenge US Dollar Reserve Currency Status

    But that would lead to the appriation of the Yen as currency rather devalueing it for an export oriented economy.
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    The importance of a strong Chinese Navy for China and the world

    A strong navy can threatern one's control of the world trade
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    How Muslims Helped Cause the American Revolution

    Its more Frenxh ideals and Greeko Roman system of administration than the middle east that shaped US histroy. Religion can hardly take credit for future events. For example, why would mohammed care about the US federal Government o_O?
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    The importance of a strong Chinese Navy for China and the world

    Look At the british case scenarios, you need to dominate sea trade. It's how byzantuim fell, not by Turks, but a Strong naval and economically strong Venice
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    Tianjinanother Mega Chinese City on the Move

    Sigh :-| Trolls It would be better if chinese and indians put there difference aside.
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