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  1. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    Afghanistan Intensifies Anti-Pakistan Rhetoric in Aftermath of Bin Laden Ra

    First get control of your own "official" territory where there is no pak flag to be seen!
  2. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    Afghanistan Intensifies Anti-Pakistan Rhetoric in Aftermath of Bin Laden Ra

    Afghan Nationalists don't believe in all this bull crap.The pashtun nationalists from one side and the Tajiks nationalist from the other are nothing but fools who hold no vision for a prosporous Afghanistan and therefore will never be the future.
  3. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    Afghanistan Intensifies Anti-Pakistan Rhetoric in Aftermath of Bin Laden Ra

    Did i ever claim that? We were never subdued though, alway coming back to give the invaders a bloody nose unlike you! Multan? only claims. He was born in Herat and more importantly he established modern day Afghanistan...
  4. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    Afghanistan Intensifies Anti-Pakistan Rhetoric in Aftermath of Bin Laden Ra

    How can you debate with a person who doesn't have an iota of sense in his statements? who calls Glory and Prosperity, misery and calamity.Who thinks he can change history by calling all the people who crumbled in this sacred land as the victors, well buddy better go to school and learn something...
  5. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    Afghanistan Intensifies Anti-Pakistan Rhetoric in Aftermath of Bin Laden Ra

    :lol::lol: Indeed the only agency spreading the truth is ISI, Its rather funny how CIA and US gov is denying any ISI role due to the fears of them alerting the HVT and the pak gov is insisting they did play a role... Are you on the ground in Kabul? Its the Afghan police on the street and if...
  6. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    Afghanistan Intensifies Anti-Pakistan Rhetoric in Aftermath of Bin Laden Ra

    Perhaps you need to read your history buddy, Afghans have a history of invading others including you, not migration! Perhaps you forgot who the people were after whom you have named your missiles.Don't try to paint a false identity here, you are not the warrior you claim to be...Do some research...
  7. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    Afghanistan Intensifies Anti-Pakistan Rhetoric in Aftermath of Bin Laden Ra

    Another conspiracy theory? or is it the Ostrich Syndrome? Others can still see you :lol: Afghan forces take over Kabul security | NowPublic News Coverage Perhaps we have to redefine what "control" means if we go by what you imply, in that case your gov only control posh areas of where your...
  8. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    Afghanistan Intensifies Anti-Pakistan Rhetoric in Aftermath of Bin Laden Ra

    I think the Russian invasion should not have happend in the first place, it should have been avoided! Unfortunately mistakes by the then President Daud and the communist parties all indirectly contributed to it. When it happened the Afghans should have played the game wisely and tried to resolve...
  9. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    Afghanistan Intensifies Anti-Pakistan Rhetoric in Aftermath of Bin Laden Ra

    I dont think it will help your country get out of the mess by calling us losers, just look where your country was heading before 9/11 being in a tight competition with India and look at it now and compare yourself with India, now ask yourself who the real loser is. The fact is that your gov...
  10. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    Afghanistan Intensifies Anti-Pakistan Rhetoric in Aftermath of Bin Laden Ra

    Do you think your leaders are anything better? Who start talking like parrots when they feel the heat, you are actually worse than us if our gov is being friendly with NATO and other Coalition forces its because they are helping us get on our feets after 30 yrs of war, they are giving us a hope...
  11. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    Afghanistan Intensifies Anti-Pakistan Rhetoric in Aftermath of Bin Laden Ra

    Walikum Salam, If you could observe all my posts after the Osama situation you will realize that i have never tried to put salt on your wounds, i have only responded to some fools who think Afghanistan is their backyard and can't tolerate a valid point raised by the Afghan gov. Could you please...
  12. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    Afghanistan Intensifies Anti-Pakistan Rhetoric in Aftermath of Bin Laden Ra

    Perhaps your gov if they think on the same line should simply recognize Taliban as the gov of Afghanistan rather than bringing all the brotherhood bs once hits the fan.Exactly the same is true also regarding the Pakistani militants they are the men with power in Pakistan who as they claim can...
  13. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    Afghanistan Intensifies Anti-Pakistan Rhetoric in Aftermath of Bin Laden Ra

    The current president has from the start tried to have good relations with Pakistan,If you can perhaps see his comments after the downfall of Taliban regime he has always addressed Pakistan as brother nation who did host millions of Afghan refugess.His remarks got hostile with the time passing...
  14. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    Afghanistan Intensifies Anti-Pakistan Rhetoric in Aftermath of Bin Laden Ra

    They have every damn right to question your credibility after all it was your prime minister who was saying again and again that OBL is not in Pak in his recent visit to Kabul just days before OBL was found living in luxury just yards away from your PMA.I wonder where Mullah Omar and Haqqanis...
  15. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    Afghanistan Intensifies Anti-Pakistan Rhetoric in Aftermath of Bin Laden Ra

    We all saw how you Pakis have taken care of your country, a center of international terror.Being bombed daily by drones, your airspace is violated whenever NATO wants to.They have killed your citizens in your own country while you hand over the suspect for $$$ against the wishes of your whole...
  16. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

    So you can hide your dirty double faced policy? Perhaps you didn't understand the gravity of what has happend, your country was hosting the most wanted terrorist in the world, Our president is demanding why there are still anti-alqaeda operations in Afghanistan when they have made Pakistan as...
  17. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    Nato, Afghan forces attack Pakistani border check post

    Where in the article does it say, the governer of Kunar is supporting Faqir Mohammad? Its only claiming that he is recruiting foot soldiers and spies among the militants without specifying his motives, why would he need spies among TTP to spy on TTP itself if he supposedly has an agreement with...
  18. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    Nato, Afghan forces attack Pakistani border check post

    Mr.Genius i have seen the wiki report regarding the Karzai remark, if you could read well perhaps i mentioned the fact that we will give asylum whoever asks for it, its what Afghans do! BUT there is a big difference between giving asylum to an individual,letting him stay as a guest and using him...
  19. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    Nato, Afghan forces attack Pakistani border check post

    And what are you "real terms" for us to qualified as a legitimate gov please enlighten us, oh wise one? Where are your damn proofs that Baloch insurgency is actively operating from Afghanistan? Any proofs on their training camps? if not STFU and get control of a whole region you have lost or...
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