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  1. S

    Afghanistan, US finalise draft post-2014 deal: Kabul

    :lol::lol: Keep making yourself believe this.. coming 2014 you'll be in for a huge shock.
  2. S

    Pakistan : Head in the sand

    Or perhaps your way of making yourself feel better.. i.e. if someone mentions facts as they are, they must have their heads in the sand. :lol:
  3. S

    Pakistan : Head in the sand

    They overdramatize everything, trying to paint a picture of doom and gloom, and blow everything out of proportion as if end of world was near for Pakistan.. that's the problem.
  4. S

    Pakistan : Head in the sand

    Oh please, the externalization of threats is done because that's what's happening. TTP and BLA go and hide and Afghanistan, and then carry out attacks in Pakistan and then go back to Afghanistan. Are some of you really this thick that you want to not hear the truth, so you spin it and divert...
  5. S

    Seven more die amid relentless firing incidents in Karachi

    In the context of this thread.. no.
  6. S

    Seven more die amid relentless firing incidents in Karachi

    I've no idea what you're trying to prove here.. not with at least what you're saying
  7. S

    'Huge Afghanistan attack foiled'

    Well you tell me.. I hear about several each year. Whereas in Pakistan's heartland, you might have 1 in a year in all places combined.
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    'Huge Afghanistan attack foiled'

    Did you bother to read my post completely?
  9. S

    Seven more die amid relentless firing incidents in Karachi

    And why does that make them so special? I agree we need to control them, but does that make Karachi any less safer? FYI US has 15,000 murders per year.. which I believe is more than Pakistan even when controlling for population difference. You bharatis like to dramatize and blow each and...
  10. S

    'Huge Afghanistan attack foiled'

    Yes, they can carry out 1 successful attack in the big cities combined per year. The only places where they're successful in FATA and parts of Balochistan. That's what I mean. Whereas each year you'd see multiple attacks each year in Kabul. Just like you've been accusing ISI without any...
  11. S

    'Huge Afghanistan attack foiled'

    The difference is terrorist can only carry out attack in FATA in Pakistan.. in Afghanistan they normally carry it out in their big cities. That really tells you all you need to know. And as far as terrorist attacks you mentioned are concerned, you have a small sample.
  12. S

    'Huge Afghanistan attack foiled'

    We don't any support from Taliban. US presence is actually going down now.. troops are leaving, not coming back. Same with other countries. So this number will just go up. Yes, and that's why they on'y do bomb blasts in certain areas. Btw, the figure is all over the internet. I already...
  13. S

    'Huge Afghanistan attack foiled'

    And why do we need a miracle anyway? Whether or not there'll be an economic miracle is for another thread. The fact though is that US leaving Afghanistan will help us a lot. I actually said 60% control, not 60% presence. Nah, it's actually very straightforward. I already explained it, so I...
  14. S

    'Huge Afghanistan attack foiled'

    Sure. If that makes you feel better. You still know that Kabul will be overtaken by Taliban in 2014 deep down. The western media are putting on a propaganda show to tell everyone that US will succeed in Afghanistan. Everyone on the ground knows, though, that US is trying to save its face and...
  15. S

    'Huge Afghanistan attack foiled'

    :lol: We had great economic growth in 60s, 80s, 2000s, thank you very much. And besides, we don't need any economic miracle. We just need US to GTFO. That'll do the job for us. Because US will leave. Or at least reduce their presence greatly. Everything happening is because of US...
  16. S

    'Huge Afghanistan attack foiled'

    Oh height of ignorance :lol: Ok, can you provide some news article from a more reliable website? TV shows are known for their unreliable information. And did you read the rest of my post? Why will Pakistan suffer after 2014? As I explained in my post, it will be anything but. 2014 will be...
  17. S

    'Huge Afghanistan attack foiled'

    :lol::lol::lol: Bharatis are the cocoon delusions. Delusions of grandeur can't get anymore epic than this. Dude, we're actually waiting for 2014. We've lost some 70 billion+ dollars because of this WoT that could've gone elsewhere. WoT ending means we won't need any loans from WB, Mr...
  18. S

    Bangladesh will not tour pakistan Bangla Court

    As mentioned before, the problem I have with BCB is not because the lack of safety in Pakistan. The reason is why -- why did they agree to tour in exchange for us voting their guy to be ICC president? If they weren't going to tour then that deal shouldn't have happened. I can understand them...
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    Bangladesh will not tour pakistan Bangla Court

    ^^ :lol::lol:
  20. S

    Why is Pakistan afraid of international perception when testing its ICBM?

    Don't worry, no one gives a sh*t about the relationship with the US. I am not sure how many people like the idea of having relations with a country that goes around starting one war after the other, getting hundreds of thousands killed in the process, and destabilizing whole regions because of...
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