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  1. StingRoy

    Surjeet Sing, not Sarabjeet Singh to be released clarifies Pakistan.

    The names might sound familiar, but usually an official press release accompanies the announcement from the presidential spokesperson ... unless you mean to say, there was an "unintentional" typo there as well.
  2. StingRoy

    Surjeet Sing, not Sarabjeet Singh to be released clarifies Pakistan.

    Now the govt is saying... it was Surjit Singh... not Sarabjit Singh... what a bunch of ********. Surjit not Sarabjit Singh, clarifies president
  3. StingRoy

    China Jails 14 Muslims after Destroying Mosque

    Naah... this news is too real for them to comment.... It has no fictional content to it... too boring and uninspiring.
  4. StingRoy

    Make Mumbai Second Capital of India

    So a bunch of people want to turn Mumbai into another Delhi - 'stagnant, non-inspirational and rigid orthodoxy'? Sorry no way. Mumbai is best as is.
  5. StingRoy

    What will India be in 10-20 years?

    Try the Superdoopertrooperlooper option... thats the catch all option for this quiz.
  6. StingRoy

    India's rating outlook stable: Moody's

    If you are Chinese or a Pakistani you would believe in S&P, If you are Indian, then you would believe Moody's, If you are an external investor/FII you would believe in your own market research. But the common man in India is yet to feel the effect of the slowdown apart from the ground level...
  7. StingRoy

    Indian Economy-News & Updates

    Huawei to invest $2bn in India - The Times of India
  8. StingRoy

    What will India be in 10-20 years?

    A Superdoopertrooperlooper power :D ... me likes this option !
  9. StingRoy

    How many Indians here want their states to be seperated from Indian Union?

    Stop taking the internet jihadis and internet commies words to heart... they are just here for their lack of freedom on internal issues back home.
  10. StingRoy

    4th largest US bank Wells Fargo to move jobs to India soon

    First it was Ikea and now Wells Fargo... Why are these companies investing in India at this time when the economy is going down the drain... hyperinflation, stagflation, spiraling down gdp growth, recession, currency devaluation?... My IQ is not much, so I am not able to digest this data...
  11. StingRoy

    Indian Economy-News & Updates

    We will eat grass... but we will buy jets... yes yes yes.. and moar weapons too...
  12. StingRoy

    President Pratibha Patil goes on mercy overdrive

    Sometimes I feel we should abolish this president concept once and for all. They are no more than figurative head, but instead carry these irrational discretionary powers. Unnecessary money is being spent to maintain this pseudo-head of the country. For me the PM should be the head of the...
  13. StingRoy

    India's Deepika Kumari becomes World No 1 archer

    She has definitely done India proud. Hope she maintains the same form till the olympics. Abhinav with the rifle and Deepika with the bow... we have some good chances to bag multiple golds this time.
  14. StingRoy

    Indian Americans ahead of all other ethnic minorities in US

    What a proud moment... congratulations Phoebe.
  15. StingRoy

    Indian Americans ahead of all other ethnic minorities in US

    Possible.... Maybe the 'dressing painting' is taking most of their "man" time... not much time left to work and thus are left behind the indians... perfect.. the stats make sense now ;)
  16. StingRoy

    Indian Americans ahead of all other ethnic minorities in US

    And you under Arabs? ... (guessing from your location)..
  17. StingRoy

    Pakistan loses Iran’s mango market

    This year the mango production seems not upto the mark. Maybe Pakistan has a chance to exploit the MFN status and export their stocks to India.
  18. StingRoy

    French envoy accused of abusing child arrested in India

    We no banana republic. Recent case of interest is the Italian marines. I believe the French diplomat also will follow the same lines.
  19. StingRoy

    Pakistan loses Iran’s mango market

    Who were accusing us for being a white man's slave when some of the trade restrictions were carried fwd with Iran? Who were they again?.... ;)
  20. StingRoy

    India - Power shortage everywhere

    There have been no power cuts in the place where I am from. But I heard the power situation is bad in a few states. There are a number of power projects in their last stages of completion and will start going online in the next 6 months. This should help the situation for next year, yet we will...
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