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  1. Strigon

    Kashmiri student telling what happend in Meerut University

    South Park, edition India. :omghaha:
  2. Strigon

    Post Ratings Review Board.

    Three TT/ Mod believed him to be wrong for a reason. Just because it doesn't say on guidelines doesn't mean one can go completely nuts. Just because you can jump off a building doesn't mean you should. Webby also expects, at least from "senior members" to prove they have a working brain while...
  3. Strigon

    Pakistan opens its arms to 67 Kashmiri students charged with sedition in India.

    Yeah you guys are doing an amazing job educating Muslims there by fighting them over something as petty as a cricket match. One can only expect so much from Afridi's famous statement, tiny hearts. This blunder has hurt you more than you think. It has put fear inside other ethnicity be they...
  4. Strigon

    Pakistan opens its arms to 67 Kashmiri students charged with sedition in India.

    Like I said, treatment would have been same even if Pakistani cricket supporter was a Hindu.
  5. Strigon

    Pakistan opens its arms to 67 Kashmiri students charged with sedition in India.

    Still doesn't explain why such a sensitive nerve got exposed after the defeat...and the whole drama that followed....Well lets just agree you want them out and we want them in. Good for both of us. Cheers!
  6. Strigon

    Pakistan opens its arms to 67 Kashmiri students charged with sedition in India.

    Haven't you guys just proved it? Taking education away from students just because of their free choice over something as petty as cricket match? If you guys don't have the heart to take a defeat, don't play the game. And stop inviting Pakistan over for "Anay Do" humiliations. I'm sure they'll...
  7. Strigon

    Pakistan opens its arms to 67 Kashmiri students charged with sedition in India.

    Send them all, they deserve better treatment than Hindus forcing their will on them, forcing their choices. Kashmiris are brilliant students, its only fitting they achieve greatness and a successful life than a sad one forced by a regressive and conservative community. These are students...
  8. Strigon

    Pakistan Military Multimedia

    Ahh the great Gul Sher! I heard he is/ was a part of army in reality as well. That true?
  9. Strigon

    Fire breaks out at INS Kalinga

    If mere trophy's can show the world your backwardness and intolerance to freedom of speech then I think of it as a major victory for Pakistan without shooting a single bullet but throwing a few balls. Dont be too hasty with bankruptcy just yet, you don't know the horrors that await you. :)...
  10. Strigon

    Fire breaks out at INS Kalinga

    That's definitely something only your bunch can go for. Had those students access to weapons, I bet you wouldn't be saying the last line. :) Those blowing up people for their choice are today on their knees begging for ceasefire. Follow any other news than civilians dead in Pakistan? Judging...
  11. Strigon

    Fire breaks out at INS Kalinga

    Why are you so concerned with my posts? Are you running out of smiles and lame excuses for every new of yours? Well I am very glad how the rating system has worked so far. it helps us filter out low quality posters. Like i said saying RIP is one thing, meaning it is another. Well thats the...
  12. Strigon

    Fire breaks out at INS Kalinga

    I know you find suicide bombings in Pakistan thrilling. If Hindus can fight others over the most petty reasons like someone cheering for the other team in cricket, I can only imagine what can happen when you let them have weapons. When someone dressed as a civilian goes in a crowd, he doesn't...
  13. Strigon

    Fire breaks out at INS Kalinga

    You are the one with -3 ratings not me, when people look at you they know who needs almonds. Unlike your RIP which is limited to a word and zero emotion behind it, its not always necessary to write it out to show support. I have been always pro-pakistan army and anti TTP. I don't need to prove...
  14. Strigon

    Fire breaks out at INS Kalinga

    And comes the comparison. Sometimes people have to care for your incompetency. When your army fails to distinguish b/w drones and planets for 6 months straight that might have lead to some conflict with china, when your navy fails to provide basic safety instruments resulting in deaths and the...
  15. Strigon

    Fire breaks out at INS Kalinga

    I hope you continue on this track. You military loss doesn't hurt anyone but yourself. Keep obsessing over title mistakes while safety precautions are at an all time low. :-) Keep your almonds, they might make me as slow as you.
  16. Strigon

    Post Ratings Review Board.

    And similarly, using your logic I gave an analogy. Mods/ Webby should ban all posters opposing Pakistan on PDF. But a) Its an Internet forum b) That was a mere game of cricket c) You forcing people into your taste will earn you negativity both online and real life. d) Had there been support...
  17. Strigon

    Post Ratings Review Board.

    Without even reading them many people, Including myself and the ones who rated you know well that your comment was of negative value. Somewhere in your heart you know it as well but when you are here to settle some score then its not very obvious to you. Either ways, let wait for a mod/...
  18. Strigon

    Post Ratings Review Board.

    And as I have explained in one post earlier, ratings are not meant to indicate your violations but quality of posts. Violations are sent to you via private message by mods. Some violation increments in small amounts can give you an infraction, some are instant time out. If a member can point...
  19. Strigon

    Fire breaks out at INS Kalinga

    It would help if you read and understand posts before going on a laughing for some reason rampage. Un-Intentional offense referred to OP mistaking a ground facility for a sub as a pure mistake or pic of sub and Indians took the title change based on the mistake as offensive. Go tell the...
  20. Strigon

    Post Ratings Review Board.

    Ratings are to differentiate b/w good and poor posters. When you see someone like Karan accumulating an awesome -7, it is an indication that don't take his posts seriously. Let me go over how, I think, things work on PDF. Analysts/ Think Thanks : Are like quality control Inspectors helping to...
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