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  1. Strigon

    Alleged attacks by Indian army kills another Pakistani soldier

    Where is this whole Pakistan? You, me and a few other people on forum don't represent all of Pakistan. Where are crowds of protesters in streets who claim to love their country, right now sitting idly but care much more about muslims dying else where like Palestine or Burma? Nawaz is probably...
  2. Strigon

    Indian firing on LoC kills Pakistani soldier

    Hopefully you will be able to seek the exact same response form the "only sane poster" when things are opposite and other side is getting a beating. I have argued before with a Mod, # of posts has nothing to do with intelligence of the post and poster's rank.
  3. Strigon

    Alleged attacks by Indian army kills another Pakistani soldier

    Why do you think? Our current leadership wont respond even if their own kids get killed but will let the hell lose if a Bee stings them. Selfishness, corruption, and lack of response from public are just the initial reasons of why we never see justice done in this country. Actually, I read some...
  4. Strigon

    Florida imam gets 25 years in prison for aiding Pakistani Taliban

    I wish they hang the guy by his balls till he dies of age instead of just a prison sentence. How these creeps get to live in US forget US citizenship is beyond me.
  5. Strigon

    Pakistan | Shooting weapons on the weddings.

    What a thick crowd of morons...Someone there with a gun should do the world a favor and put these lunatics out of their misery. There is such a video, too sad to watch. Guns in hands of public need to be banned, no questions. I understand its hard in Pakistan to pass such rules but ask the...
  6. Strigon

    Old Laptop Advice and suggestions

    Average age of laptops is around 3-7 years. Extreme highs and lows along with exceptional cases depends on the user's care and luck. After 5 years, the technology being used in the laptop is almost obsolete. Repairing an old laptop is really not a good idea. There's is a high probability of...
  7. Strigon

    Youtube starts functioning in Pakistan

    Just a matter of time, another 3rd class video by an unknown wana-be director/ producer hits youtube and another year long ban on it. Bright leaders of Pakistan punishing its people for something they don't have control over not to mention depriving them of one of today's technology's marvels.
  8. Strigon

    "Winter is coming" ~ Eddard Stark, But I'm loving it!

    Then it must be like watching scary pictures for you.
  9. Strigon

    "Winter is coming" ~ Eddard Stark, But I'm loving it!

    Haha, and I hope winter somehow visits Florida at least once.
  10. Strigon

    "Winter is coming" ~ Eddard Stark, But I'm loving it!

    So, Winter, a season many people dislike. I might be one of the few who absolutely love it. Having lived in Michigan for about 5 years, I know of the terrible cold and chilly winds that force their way into your skin. But a person must be a fool to wander in the wild with out today technological...
  11. Strigon

    16 killed in Karachi’s unabated violence

    At the moment no, I really don't have much important things going on around which is why I am on PDF. Before you quoted me, there was only 1 Pakistani, how is he the majority of Pakistani reaction? Plus it REALLY does not take a psychiatrist to guess the poster's motives that has no relation to...
  12. Strigon

    16 killed in Karachi’s unabated violence

    Mr. Messenger, if you had read the last line before going up in fumes you would have realized I had an irony of Muslim status in the world which would be in your favor. I am too tired to search through the threads I where I once read anti-Pakistan threads by Indians are not allowed, I may even...
  13. Strigon

    16 killed in Karachi’s unabated violence

    Most anti-Pakistan threads are started by Indians to seek mental pleasure. Although its an offense leading to a ban as per guidelines of the forums but who enforces/ follows them anyways. :omghaha: On topic, what new muslims killing other muslims while whole world is killing them.
  14. Strigon

    Indian firing on LoC kills Pakistani soldier

    Meh, I think PA is going soft now. I am very tired of hearing this logging of "strong protest" as if that solves anything. Almost after every new incident PA/ PAF is losing its reputation that was once a source of pride for us all. It exactly is the downfall of Muslim nations all over the world...
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