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  1. wakapdf

    New CIA chief hostile to Pakistan!!

    hahaha, You are right but a little optimism goes a long way. Sure change wont happen overnight but as long as we are on the right track, i would like to believe that future is bright. We are both haunted by ghosts of our pasts, but who knows, maybe our kids would find some solution to this...
  2. wakapdf

    New CIA chief hostile to Pakistan!!

    Thats what i fear as well. Ahh well, one can only hope right... Assessment is fine and is made by both sides. Rhetoric is not and should be condemned. Both sides are ''jazzbati'' when it comes to nationalism and are keen on jumping to 'guns guns guns' without even giving a second thought.
  3. wakapdf

    New CIA chief hostile to Pakistan!!

    The media is playing a big part my friend. Nowadays, even politicians choose their words carefully when it comes to India. I am referring to major parties. A recent poll was done, quoted by Najam Sethi, that said majority of Pakistani dont consider India as an enemy anymore but a trading...
  4. wakapdf

    New CIA chief hostile to Pakistan!!

    Yes we are divided but that should not be the reason for another war. Both sides with 1 mil soldiers on the border are like powder keg waiting to go up in flames. Thats why i blame rhetoric created on both sides against one another. This region has seen enough war, why cant we be like France and...
  5. wakapdf

    New CIA chief hostile to Pakistan!!

    No, we have enough soldiers to fight the terrorists. India can help by increasing its trade with Pakistan, exchange of people and students etc... i know media is kind of improving people's perception but i guess, Indians can help by swatting back politicians who speak against Pak for no apparent...
  6. wakapdf

    New CIA chief hostile to Pakistan!!

    Question to Indian members: Do you think India would be interested in helping us out and improving relations. Or we again like always, fall victim to divide and conquer policies of the west?
  7. wakapdf

    New CIA chief hostile to Pakistan!!

    The only option i see of swatting back US influence is good relations with India. Through time and time again, West has used people of this region against each other to maintain its dominance. In my opinion, stronger India is good for Pakistan and it is important we keep good relations with...
  8. wakapdf

    New CIA chief hostile to Pakistan!!

    Haha lets hope so You are absolutely correct!
  9. wakapdf

    New CIA chief hostile to Pakistan!!

    Yep, thanks mate. We are ready for Uncle Sam. After all, they gotta withdraw by 2014. If they wish to do it safely, they wouldnt dare try any funny business. Well i dont expect overseas Pakistanis to be pro Pakistan either
  10. wakapdf

    New CIA chief hostile to Pakistan!!

    Checks & Balances: Obama picks 'worst CIA chief', but new Pentagon 'may reject interventions' - YouTube
  11. wakapdf

    Indian troops stage cross-border raid

    Revenge would be taken? By who? You? Last time i checked, your not the spoke-person for Pak army. But if you are planning a terrorist act against India then please dont call yourself a Pakistani. We are in enough s--hit because of people like you.
  12. wakapdf

    Indian troops stage cross-border raid

    I agree, Sports should not be mixed with politics.
  13. wakapdf

    Indian troops stage cross-border raid

    Hate only begets hate my friend. There are many Indians who condemned the death of Pak soldier. There were many there to enjoy a good game of cricket. Do you hold them guilty for this incident? If not, then why punish them by denying them an opportunity to enjoy cricket with their families
  14. wakapdf

    Indian troops stage cross-border raid

    What good would that have done? Boycotting Pak vs Ind series due to this incident?
  15. wakapdf

    Indian troops stage cross-border raid

    You do realize that its a never-ending charade. How would you feel if that Kumar was related to you? Well he is to someone, right? Condemn the incident, dont troll
  16. wakapdf

    Indian troops stage cross-border raid

    This was taking place during the third ODI so your argument is flawed
  17. wakapdf

    Indian troops stage cross-border raid

    I agree, but before that, we need to recapture Bangladesh and claim it as part of Pakistan :chilli: :sniper:
  18. wakapdf

    Indian troops stage cross-border raid

    Sad news indeed! Loss of life whether it be Indian or Pakistani is unacceptable. There should be a through investigation. Think of what these soldiers families go through when they hear of such skirmishes taking place. RIP to the dead soldier. Both India and Pakistan should place serious...
  19. wakapdf


    I would like to believe what you are saying is true as well... But vice is famous for entering these underground neighborhoods and networks, thats what concerned me the most. Let it be Lyari or North Korea...
  20. wakapdf


    The guy claims to have contacts with the taliban. I am building my own nuke shelter now. Even though i want the world to burn for not caring about the weak but this takes it to a whole new level. If a reporter can get access to such sensitive stuff. God knows, who else can as well ...
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