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  1. fallstuff

    Russia and China announce decoupling trade from US Dollar

    Anybody else has any more news ?
  2. fallstuff

    North Korea labels President Obama a 'cross-breed black monkey' in racist attack

    How are you going to see a black or Latino as a PM/President in Asia ? Explain please , I would like to hear this one !!!
  3. fallstuff

    Call the Cops at Your Own Peril

    Some of these trends are very disturbing. However, I do believe a few these events were taken out of context. I have been behind on a few occasions in paying required permit fees, business taxes, but it all went through a due process which gave me plenty of time to catch up. The old woman should...
  4. fallstuff

    India Number 1 (Bangladesh Praised by WHO)

    You had to be toilet trained in a foreign land as they would not let you do it outside !!!
  5. fallstuff

    The Average American Can't Answer These Three Simple Finance Questions

    I would expect Israel to score the highest in this test.
  6. fallstuff

    Jews Contribution to Humanity

    I partially agree to your post, the sheer volume of Indian trolls is just simply overwhelming. I don't expect any better from the Indians.
  7. fallstuff

    College girls stripped topless to protest against sex discrimination in job market

    She certainly has more than enough for a cup of coffee !!
  8. fallstuff

    College girls stripped topless to protest against sex discrimination in job market

    You just might catch the wrong kind of attention !!
  9. fallstuff

    India Number 1 (Bangladesh Praised by WHO)

    Only 32% household with toilets. That is about a billion people head out side. God bless these folks.
  10. fallstuff

    Newsweek : Israel Won’t Stop Spying on the U.S.

    Israeli Officials: Spying Allegations 'Smell of Anti-Semitism' Israeli officials denounced on Tuesday evening a report in Newsweek which said that American intelligence officials have linked the U.S. visa crisis to Israeli espionage. The report cited these American officials as saying in...
  11. fallstuff

    Newsweek : Israel Won’t Stop Spying on the U.S.

    Israel Won’t Stop Spying on the U.S. Whatever happened to honor among thieves? When the National Security Agency was caught eavesdropping on German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cell phone, it was considered a rude way to treat a friend. Now U.S. intelligence officials are saying—albeit very...
  12. fallstuff

    ISRAEL Independence day 66th

    Thousands of Palestinians mark Nakba Day at March of Return | Mondoweiss
  13. fallstuff

    An Indian's open letter to Narendra Modi regarding Bangladesh

    There is nothing wrong in eating with hands, everybody eats with their hands from SA to ME. However, when it comes to taking a dump out in the open, a certain nation is one of a kind with no competition !!
  14. fallstuff

    An Indian's open letter to Narendra Modi regarding Bangladesh

    You are stinking up the whole thread. The stink can make a skunk run up a tree !!! Are Indians by nature unhygienic? | Business Line
  15. fallstuff

    Hillary Clinton Blasts ‘Way Out of Balance’ Gun Culture

    It is relatively easy to purchase a muzzle loader and a semi-automatic firearm. 1) Pay for the gun. 2) Pass criminal background check. 3) Wait for 5 days ( cool off) to take possession. I do think it should remain this way, no more gun control laws, as they are fairly ineffective at this point.
  16. fallstuff

    Hillary Clinton Blasts ‘Way Out of Balance’ Gun Culture

    Anybody voting for Hilary ?
  17. fallstuff

    Hillary Clinton Blasts ‘Way Out of Balance’ Gun Culture

    Hillary Clinton Blasts ‘Way Out of Balance’ Gun Culture Potential 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said Tuesday that gun culture in the U.S. has become “way out of balance.” “I think that we’ve got to rein in what has become an almost article of faith that anybody can have a gun...
  18. fallstuff

    An Indian's open letter to Narendra Modi regarding Bangladesh

    These guys are beyond hopeless. The straw-man argument does not even come close to the crap these paranoids cling to. Who would immigrate to the largest shithole of the known universe . These guys haven't learned the basics of hygiene. You can even train a dog not to crap just anywhere, but...
  19. fallstuff

    Brunei adopts sharia law

    Not really. There is one secular incredible South Asian nation where new born girls are killed by the hundreds of thousands, millions of female fetus never make it out of the womb alive.
  20. fallstuff

    Assam govt mulls arming Muslims in Bodo areas

    They can start with some shotguns as it is very effective at close range. Interestingly appearance of a firearm changes the dynamics of coward murderers.
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