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  1. fallstuff

    Devyani Khobragade case: Top US leadership feels diplomat row 'most stupid thing to do'

    Read the news buddy. This is how these unpleasant issues are dealt with.
  2. fallstuff

    Devyani Khobragade case: Top US leadership feels diplomat row 'most stupid thing to do'

    He grew up in United States. He didn't grow up in India, else he would been an "Indian." There is nothing Indian about the above quote.
  3. fallstuff

    Devyani Khobragade case: Top US leadership feels diplomat row 'most stupid thing to do'

    Actually U.S is expecting India to repair the damaged relationship. India was asked to withdraw her without all the drama back in September, India didn't do it. India needs to train their diplomats to comply with U.S laws when dealing with domestic helps. Of course India expects the helps to...
  4. fallstuff

    Female commando force to tackle the rise of rape in India's capital

    New city government is bringing in a squad of martial arts trained women to make Delhi's streets safer The new leaders of India's 'rape capital' Delhi are to to recruit a female commando force to patrol the streets and boost safety for women. Rakhi Birla, the capital's new Women and Child...
  5. fallstuff

    Diplomat Devyani Khobragade leaves US for home

    This I didn't hear before. Can you point to any newspaper article if it is not much of an effort.
  6. fallstuff

    Diplomat Devyani Khobragade leaves US for home

    The good old trick , " sign here, and we will take care of everything else" . What an evil lil b*tch this Devyani is. I still don't understand why India didn't withdraw her when they were given the chance in September which is typically how these cases ends.
  7. fallstuff

    Diplomat Devyani Khobragade leaves US for home

    Almost everybody in India along with others all over the world want U.S citizenship. India was told to withdraw her, India failed to heed . She didn't leave when could without all these drama back in September, she thought she could pull it off. She brought this upon herself just like other...
  8. fallstuff

    India to seek international recognition for Hasina’s government

    So India has managed to net zero recognition for the Vote. I guess India promised Hasina, " we will get your election recognized through our influences." Along with many other unfulfilled agreement by India this was a BS too, India essentially sold her the Brooklyn Bridge !! Poor Hasina fell...
  9. fallstuff

    Diplomat Devyani Khobragade leaves US for home

    Separating a man from his beer is a crime against humanity. I have to say Indians went way too far. Its time to send Dennis Rodman to India as soon he is done with his mission in North Korea !!
  10. fallstuff

    Diplomat Devyani Khobragade leaves US for home

    She is married to an American. However, I think her chance of getting U.S citizenship effectively ends here. Next time an Indian diplomat will think twice before lying in a Visa application.
  11. fallstuff

    U.S. energy secretary cancels trip to India amid diplomatic row

    U.S. energy secretary cancels trip to India amid diplomatic row U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz on Wendesday canceled his plans to visit India next week, the latest development in deteriorating relations between the two nations following the arrest and strip search last month of an Indian...
  12. fallstuff

    Uncertainty in Bangladesh ("incredible amount of anti-India feeling within BD")

    The majority of the people now squarely blame India for the killings in Pilkhana. Whats the point of killing 70 hostages if you want to make a ransom demand , moreover its not easy to break the chain of command much less killing senior officers.
  13. fallstuff

    India to seek international recognition for Hasina’s government

    How many countries India managed to get recognition from ? Anyone knows ? I understand Bhutan sent a team of observer to BD, what is their stance for all that is worth ?
  14. fallstuff

    10th national election, bangladesh (update)

    This guys will just keep weaving lie upon lie. All lies lead to the truth.
  15. fallstuff

    10th national election, bangladesh (update)

    একাত্তর টিভিতে Live news। যেখানে এক রিপোর্টার রাস্তায় দাঁড়িয়ে বলছিল, "দর্শক আপনারা দেখতে পাচ্ছেন এই সকালে তীব্র শীত উপেক্ষা করে দলে দলে মহিলারা ভোট দিতে যাচ্ছে। আমি এখন তাদের সাথে সরাসরি কথা বলব। এই শীতের মধ্যে আপনারা ভোট দিতে যাচ্ছেন, এই নিয়ে আপনাদের আগ্রহ কেমন? মহিলাদের একজনঃ আমরা ভোট দিতে...
  16. fallstuff

    India to seek international recognition for Hasina’s government

    People in BD already spoken by not going to the polls. I believe they did their work. The present Govt simple has no basis to stay in power. U.S is not going to turn the farcical election result, but State Dept declared on the record that election process was flawed. I would put more weight on...
  17. fallstuff

    India to seek international recognition for Hasina’s government

    Just wait people. All need to wait for the U.S State Dept statement.
  18. fallstuff

    Polish Woman Drugged, Raped In India By Taxi Driver

    Unfortunately she placed her trust where it didn't belong.
  19. fallstuff

    10th national election, bangladesh (update)

    Journos kicked out of Dhaka 15 polling centres Udisa Islam Supporters of Awami League-backed candidate Kamal Ahmed Majumder were seen stamping ballot papers from one centre to another Journalists were kicked out from various polling centres of Dhaka 15 constituency during the elections on...
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