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  1. anon45

    North Korean Stand Off With the US & S.Korea: News and Updates

    Shouldn't this be more incentive by all the countries involved to make sure North Korea doesn't actually get a nuke and fire it? I can tell you if the US gets nuked we're not gonna care who is on North Korea's borders, they are glass, and you guys can deal with the radiation. Don't like it...
  2. anon45

    CRS: Breaking China’s ASBM Kill Chain

    The US navy does 'tough' over and over again. The missile is not a game changer, hell its still an open question on whether it even works in its intended environment. Also it would take more than 1 missile to sink a super carrier simply due to payload limitations. It might be a mission...
  3. anon45

    The U.S. versus the World at the UN

    Who doesn't have issues with their government? I certainly don't like how the budget has been handled, but that doesn't change that I consider you both a pathological vitriolic anti-american and possible troll. You have not shown the articles you post to be trustworthy, you post discredited...
  4. anon45

    US Protection Racket Root of Korea Conflict

    I'd ask if you feel ashamed for being an apologist for nearly the most heinous blemish on the face of humanity for the past half century, but I already know you feel no shame. I also know this won't change or make you post less, you have your own reasons for this whether for enjoyment or...
  5. anon45

    US Protection Racket Root of Korea Conflict

    My explanation is the article is blatantly lying. This is a blatant lie Division of Korea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Causes and Consequences of the Korean Division. - WriteWork (unfortunately only the first couple paragraphs are free but it gives a general summary of the situation)...
  6. anon45

    The U.S. versus the World at the UN

    Hasbara has gone into overtime, perhaps he wants to put a downpayment on a new car?
  7. anon45

    North Korea approves nuclear strike on US

    lol who is backing down? If the US matches rhetoric the anti-americans say it is fanning the flames, if the US tones it down the anti-americans say the US is backing down, to these people it is imperative the US doesn't look good, regardless of the facts. Regardless of toning down rhetoric...
  8. anon45

    US Protection Racket Root of Korea Conflict

    Oh great, a minion attaches itself to Hasbara Busted. :rolleyes:
  9. anon45

    North Korean Stand Off With the US & S.Korea: News and Updates

    There will always be apologists for the most unsavory of regimes. That you claim North Korea's government has anything resembling dignity, respect, peace, and love given its history, ruling figures, and current actions is disgusting.
  10. anon45

    North Korean Stand Off With the US & S.Korea: News and Updates

    The chance is almost 0 that China will go to war to save the Kim regime in this case, the Chinese aren't willing to shed one drop of blood for little Kim after he has blown them off. No this is either for refugees or to take him out first if The fan is hit by brown matter...probably the former...
  11. anon45

    US B-2 bombers sent to Korea on rare mission

    you simply dont care enough to take action.
  12. anon45

    9/11: Illegitimacy of US government

    Lets hypothetically say this was an inside job... why attack the World Trade Center instead of, say, the Statue of Liberty? Logically you would rather demolish a target with symbolism rather than a target that is of economic importance to your own country if you are planning a false-flag...of...
  13. anon45

    Who Says North Korea Is Bluffing?

    I noticed you mentioned nothing about If US troops baked up today and left the peninsula that North Korea would cease its threats against South Korea and Japan. Nor do I see you provide any proof that North Korea would do any of what you say... are we just supposed to believe you? do you...
  14. anon45

    Next Gen Rocket Engine Merlin 1D of SpaceX Achieves Flight Qualification

    SpaceX is a company with revolutionary goals. Having already slashed the price of spaceflight significantly, it aims still for further cost reductions through better engines and reusable stages. Count me a SpaceX Fan for what they have completed since the decade they were first born. A...
  15. anon45

    Lockheed Quantum Computer Speeds Through Problems Millions of Times Faster

    Ignore the hate, power through with innovation :smokin: Lockheed Martin Quantum Computer Speeds Through Problems Millions of Times Faster : Tech : Science World Report
  16. anon45

    China 'to overtake America by 2016'

    Not surprised on your views Haters gonna hate. *Shrug* We'll survive your hate and prosper.
  17. anon45

    A world without the West? Not yet -- and maybe not ever

    The squawking from certain haters does not change the truth of the matter.
  18. anon45

    South Korea says hacking not from Chinese address but South Korea

    Spare us the victim complex, the situation is fluid. :rolleyes:
  19. anon45

    Diaoyu Islands News and Updates

    Fuxing, by definition if China and Japan go to war, the world is no longer at peace, so what you say has no merit. China has already in that scenario brought about a third world war through its belligerence, and is without a doubt the main antagonist. To demand the US not help Japan in that...
  20. anon45

    China using North Korea as a decoy for personal gains

    I'm posting this from another site. Read up on this and tell me again they are no threat... Oh yes, Pakistan is a schoolboy in comparison to what North Korea has committed against the world, and South Korea specifically. All of these are independently verifiable, you are the ignorant one...
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