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  1. anon45

    Connecticut School District on Lockdown Following Shooting Report

    Unless you can establish what political end this shooter was working towards as a primary motive, you are wrong by definition, and repeating yourself over and over wont change that.
  2. anon45

    Connecticut School District on Lockdown Following Shooting Report

    You don't know the meaning of the word terrorism if you believe this is terrorism. Not every murder is terrorism, not every mass killing is terrorism. I hope there is an afterlife for special cases like this, because if there is this man is going to burn for a loooong time....:angry:
  3. anon45

    Connecticut School District on Lockdown Following Shooting Report

    And I guess typical Chinese behavior is knifing innocent school children, oh look we aren't so different after all. If you are going to be an a$$hole on a topic of such a sensitive nature just STFU and dont post...
  4. anon45

    'F-35 warplane facing turbulence at home and abroad'- What will Turkey do?

    That cost is for the LRIP (Low Rate initial production) models, they aren't the full production models or the models we will be exporting. The full production models will be cheaper, closer to the 69 million projected cost (due to economies of scale and relatively tested design) and make up a...
  5. anon45

    Chinese women Tased

    What do you want them to do? Subdue her physically when she could have had any number of weapons on her? You can say that wouldn't have happened shes just a little Chinese lady, but a knife hurts no matter who wields it, just like a gun, and officers are taking their lives into their own hands...
  6. anon45

    North korea launches ICBM, test appears success. Second stage drops near Ph

    What can be aimed at Japan and Korea can also be aimed at China. China has military personnel stationed along the North Korean Border, and they aren't there to keep refugees out, just sayin...
  7. anon45

    F-35 Running into more problems as Canada cancels its order

    Anyone whose said that literally doesn't know what they're talking about, as those who would be in a position to speak authoritatively are not allowed to speak, for both sides. While facing initial troubles, these days the F-35 program is getting good news, at least for the US. We have our...
  8. anon45

    Neuron UCAV tech. demonstrator first flight

    I recall reading somewhere (I think f-16.net) that the Neuron would not have autonomous capability but instead be remotely controlled (from either ground or air). Anyone able to authoritatively confirm or deny this? .
  9. anon45

    Canadian Federal government cancels F-35 fighter purchase

    Canadian article that puts some numbers out and possibly clears up some confusion. John Ivison: Official report puts price of F-35s at $45,802,000,000 | Full Comment | National Post
  10. anon45

    U.S. declines support for Asian allies in sea disputes with China

    Oh look, more idiots taking what the admiral says and twisting his words to try to give them meaning they dont have :rolleyes: He has said we don't take sides on territorial disputes, thats true. You might have a different definition of what constitutes a coast guard ship than the rest of the...
  11. anon45

    Developers plan $500m mini-China in Australia

    Oh its definitely about money for the council of Wyong shire(?) . Looks interesting, as long as it doesn't start making political statements. Hope there are lots of Chinese restaurants. (yum) Don't know why Chinese tourists would go to Australia to see more China though, might draw other...
  12. anon45

    Iran Haunts US ScanEagle Drone over Persian Gulf

    Its a glorified RC plane, what more is there to say? You can focus on a particular part of the drone if you want, but it doesn't change that this is a low tech low cost drone meant to be used in non-hostile environments or against low tech enemies. That Iran got a hold of one wouldn't bother...
  13. anon45

    Iran Haunts US ScanEagle Drone over Persian Gulf

    Don't think they'd get much useful data from a glorified RC plane.
  14. anon45

    US police officers fire 137 shots to kill 2 unarmed suspects

    Sounds fishy, but claiming the chase and subsequent(?) shootings is race-based at this point in time because most of the police officers involved in the case happened to be white is totally erroneous, and a case of racial discrimination itself if the reaction is knee-jerk with no evidence to...
  15. anon45

    What Happens When America No Longer Needs Middle East Oil?

    Don't think its exactly going to happen, even if we totally weaned ourselves from middle-east oil. Thanks to globalization prices for oil would rise in the US due to a crisis in the Middle-East, even if we didn't actually get any oil from the region.
  16. anon45

    US denies Iran shot down an unmanned drone

    Last time around it took around 3 days before US acknowledgement. It would thus make similar sense to expect a US acknowledgement in a similar time frame if Iran did in fact capture a US Navy drone. it would be best for everyone to give it a week or so to clear out before coming to...
  17. anon45

    US denies Iran shot down an unmanned drone

    I'll withhold judgement for a few days to a week. If the US navy is still denying it lost a drone i'll take it at their word. If they did in fact lose one then we'll find out within the week.
  18. anon45

    Breaking news Iran down an other Drone

    Why would we do so if it was indeed in Iranian airspace? Its a drone, there is no pilot, its basically expendable. This holds especially true for the scaneagle, it is low cost. Going to war because a low-cost drone was brought down is not in the cards... if it was a manned jet, the calculus...
  19. anon45

    Breaking news Iran down an other Drone

    ??? Not quite sure of what you are saying. If you are asking If I have proof, no, thats why I said it was speculation.
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