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  1. A

    Ten Myths About Pakistan..!!!

    No need to change... previously only India used to have bad opinion about Pak but now lot more countries are converging in the opinion... so what's the big deal... no need to change... India still wishes to see a stable Pakistan... Only the reports by international organization, major/minor...
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    Pakistan using terrorism as state policy: Indian PM

    When did pakistan cooperate with India? Never!
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    Omar Abdullah takes power in Kashmir

    Probably because pakistan has lost strength...
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    India Plans Homeland Security

    Guy, you speak big big words... but what to expect from a person whose country has poisoned baby milk powder... they did that probably because babies are not so obedient as their chinese adults
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    HAL LCH| Updates and Discussions

    shchinese.... Oh... signs of Chinese frustration... increasingly more Chinese are becoming jealous of India... earlier it was not like this... infact most Indians admire chinese acheivements but chinese members are just spitting venom and sarcasm... Don't worry sir... LCH, LCA, and Arjun will...
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    Intrastate Tensions in India and Pakistan

    It is very amusing for me when people mention about Free Tamil Nadu. I earlier wrote about this in a thread but that was deleted by the mod, so I would present my views again in this thread. Since birth I have lived in Tamil Nadu (30 years) and I came to know about the aspirations of free...
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    The Hindu Terrorists !

    As far as my knowledge goes, Pakistan does not even has the capability to file a FIR after its most popular prime minister has been assasinated in broad day light, with the assasination caught in camera. But you guys instead of forcing your government to find the culprits speak holistcally...
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    Pakistan army: We must 'avoid conflict' with India

    I dont know whether the Indian Government has passed on the evidence to Pakistan or not. But I know for sure that whatever evidences that Pakistan has or gets will be treated in the same manner as the evidences of the assasination of Benazir Bhuto. Not a single FIR has been filed even after...
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    Per capita GDP at current prices - US Dollars

    The correct data for 2007: GDP per capita (nominal): IMF Data India: 942 Pakistan: 909 World Bank Data India: 1,042 Pakistan: 884 CIA fact book India: 973 Pakistan: 849 GDP per capita (PPP): IMF Data India: 2,563 Pakistan: 2,594 World Bank Data India: 2,753 Pakistan...
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    Pakistan to be ruined if a war with India happens

    I never said that India should attack Pakistan. It is in Pakistan's interest to tame their charity organisation just to think about doing real charity in Pakistan. Hope you would have known about a charity organisation that after taking over Swat has now issued an ultimatum that there will no...
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    Pakistan to be ruined if a war with India happens

    Please understand that usage of Nukes are IMPOSSIBLE by Pakistan unless Pakistan doesn't mind the international community tearing it to pieces and treating it like Iraq. All the talk of using nukes are nothing but talk to seed psychological fear in the minds of Indians. Also impossible is...
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    Pakistan to be ruined if a war with India happens

    Yes the one and only coutry that could dream of using a nuke is USA. Pakistan is not a USA to use nuke and India will not be at the losing end like Japan was to accept a nuclear strike. So, stop dreaming about the PERCEIVED threat from India workout a practical plan to retake SWAT as...
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    Pakistan to be ruined if a war with India happens

    Does the Mutually Assured Destruction is the only hope of survival for a militaristically powerfull and futuristic country like Pakistan, instead it is the policy of a suicide bomber. How many nukes did the USSR had before disintegration? How many did it use to save itself?
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    Why Can't Pakistan Shoot Down U.S. Drones?

    I do not want war with Pakistan. But if the situation comes I and my 160 muslims in India will Pray to Allah for Indian victory.
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