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  1. R

    Information required regarding ICTO

    my status is confirmed now and i have applied for software engin. and will you please tell that they allow the candidates which are students of 8th semester and have not get their final result till now???
  2. R

    Information required regarding ICTO

    have any one of u got his status confirmed????for registration of ICTOs????????
  3. R

    Information required regarding ICTO

    how many of you are applying for the position of ICTO???
  4. R

    Information required regarding ICTO

    had u alreay applied for this postion of ICto????
  5. R

    Information required regarding ICTO

    any one knows when the new course for males icto is coming????????
  6. R

    Information required regarding ICTO

    any one of you know when the next course is coming for ICTO and also any idea the total number of candidates for ICTo in any recruiting center???
  7. R

    Information required regarding ICTO

    hi last time ie in 2nd batch there was no issb and the final seclection was made by only GHQ interview. This time there are both the issb and then final interview of issb recommended candidates. In issb there is no academic test like about your degree or your technical knowledege. neither any...
  8. R

    Information required regarding ICTO

    any one knows when the next course is coming for ICTO ?????
  9. R

    Information required regarding ICTO

    very very thanks u truesoldier and keep me update with the process. Also I have to ask you some more questions will you please give me your contact number???? Regards
  10. R

    Information required regarding ICTO

    conragulations man...... what type of questions were given in academic portions????can you please give me some idea???? and what was the ratio of pass/failure in the inital test?? And please explain some acadmic portion what typee of questions were there???
  11. R

    Information required regarding ICTO

    hi is there any body to tell me that how was his test of ICTo and what type of questions were asked in the test???? also any information about the total number of candidates this year appearing for ICTO????? Thanks in advance Regards
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