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  1. J

    A tale of courage & loss from Lebanese village of Qana

    Hundreds of dewdrops to greet the dawn, Hundreds of bees in the purple clover, Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn, But only one mother the wide world over. ~George Cooper
  2. J

    A tale of courage & loss from Lebanese village of Qana

    Buried in rubble, mother saved lives in Qana Lebanese woman's daughter dies in Israeli strike, but she saves son, others ALEY, Lebanon - Rabab Youssef managed to pull her son alive from the rubble in the Lebanese village of Qana. She could do nothing for her daughter. “I was calling...
  3. J

    Seattle protects temples, mosques after 'hate' shootings

    Assuming we’re still referring to US in this case – ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Do you know how big of a deal cases such as these are made into? Recently, an MIT student who happened to be of Indian decent got arrested for saying/threatening President Bush in his blogs. That case made...
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    Rice: It's Time for a New Middle East

    Thank you Salim - I'm glad you share my point of view. :)
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    Seattle protects temples, mosques after 'hate' shootings

    Very true..and unfortunate indeed!! anyway - I searched for any updated information on mr. Naveed Afzal Haq but could not find anything. May he get the help he needs!
  6. J

    Monkey business on Indian railway

    I think its cute....as we've learned over oh so many years...India is pretty versatile...anything and everything happens there! you either love it or you hate it..well, the opinon would be pretty obvious on this forum, but you all get my point ;)
  7. J

    Rice: It's Time for a New Middle East

    that doesnt answer my question - Its one thing to support your own COUNTRY and another to support a religion. If a fellow/group/country of same religion as mine did something that I do not agree with, no I will NOT support him/her. In the case of Islam, its not the same thing. They will...
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    Rice: It's Time for a New Middle East

    what i dont undsrstand is, why should it be about muslim and non-muslim in the first place? i understand the whole 'brotherhood' concept and all, but because of 'muslim brotherhood', woudl you still support those muslims who've done wrong? I dont understand that mentality..'stick to your...
  9. J

    Seattle protects temples, mosques after 'hate' shootings

    Neo...As salim said, forums are hardly considered real world... As for someone referring to this case 5 years from now - India/pakistan mentality has always been tit for tat...Pakistani members are just as guilty of bringing up what has been done in the past...which doesnt even concern...
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    Seattle protects temples, mosques after 'hate' shootings

    Neo, I'm sorry but you're wrong. This case has NOT been blown out of proportion because this individual is a MUSLIM...Muslims do make a big deal of every incident making headline where there's a MUSLIM involved... this is the US - every story makes a headline one minute and then forgotten...
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    Nuclear Deterrent

    everyone seems to be complaining about their posts getting edited/deleted. shouldnt there be like an 'edited' message on the bottom if it was infact edited by someone?
  12. J

    Dozens killed in Lebanon air raid

    For anyone in their right mind to say such a thing is absolutely shocking... Thousands upon thousands of innocent civilians are dying - these happen to be li'l babies, old men, women, grandmas, expecting women..you name it. Israel needs to stop - everyone knows it!!!They've taken it too...
  13. J

    Seattle protects temples, mosques after 'hate' shootings

    Naveed Afzal Haq left Pasco on Thursday evening intent on driving to Seattle, despite his mother's pleas that he stay home with his family. His parents, who for years had witnessed Haq's struggle with mental illness, worried about his ability to cope in a place where he'd never had much luck...
  14. J

    Seattle protects temples, mosques after 'hate' shootings

    I better post my 'opinion' before getting a warning from the MOD ;) In my personal opinion, it doesnt matter what this individual's origin is - what does matter is the kind of rage that he must've felt to actually go through with this. I'm sure he must've known that him going on a killing...
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    Seattle protects temples, mosques after 'hate' shootings

    Another report - same news A man walked into a Jewish organisation here and opened fire, killing one woman and injuring at least five others before he was arrested, officials said. While police withheld the suspect's identity, he was described as a US citizen of Pakistani descent between...
  16. J

    Seattle protects temples, mosques after 'hate' shootings

    SEATTLE, Washington (CNN) -- Seattle police were protecting temples and mosques Saturday after a suspected hate killing prompted fears of the Middle East crisis spreading to the United States. Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske said a Muslim gunman killed a woman and wounded five others at a Jewish...
  17. J

    5 Muslim nations call for end to fighting

    Neo - i was just curious, wasnt trying to justify anything if htat's the message you got ;) At first, I did agree and was siding with Israel for the actions they had taken...but I do believe that they've taken it wayyy too far and need to be stopped. Maybe its the reports/news that's...
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    5 Muslim nations call for end to fighting

    any updates on those soldiers? have they been returned back to Israel yet? Man, what a chaos - I hope things get settled soon.
  19. J

    5 Muslim nations call for end to fighting

    KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - Five Muslim countries denounced Israel's offensive in Lebanon on Friday, calling for an immediate halt to the hostilities. The foreign ministers of Iran, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangladesh and Pakistan held hastily called talks on the sidelines of a regional security...
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