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  1. Salahuddin

    Pakistan foils coup plot

    Life as a non-Muslim in the Caliphate Historically, when the Caliphate was ruling Jerusalem, it protected the holiest Church in Christianity - The Church of the Holy Sepulchre (above). The keys to this church have been held for centuries by the Nusseibeh Muslim family who until today still...
  2. Salahuddin

    Pakistan foils coup plot

    Use the term ‘terrorism’ consistently and not based on the whims or dictates of west. Why not accuse western governments, of hypocrisy in that they engage in terrorist activity by cutting/pasting/adding/deleting international legislation and protocols to make their actions...
  3. Salahuddin

    Pakistan foils coup plot

    The evidence that the appointment of a Khalifah is obligatory upon all Muslims is in the Quran, Sunnah and the Ijma' (consensus) of the Sahabah. Evidence 1 "And rule between them by that which Allah revealed to you, and do not follow their vain desires away from the truth which came to...
  4. Salahuddin

    Pakistan foils coup plot

    How is this bowing to Allah when your are refusing his commands to be implemented on societal level? Your asking to Keep his commands within 4 walls of the mosque when you call for Secular Society . We dont pick and choose when it comes to Islam , it is fard to rule by what Allah has...
  5. Salahuddin

    To Those who are pro Khilafat

    My dear brother neither Taliban was Islamic state nor Saudi arebia is Islamic state. Islamic State was one state---The Khilafah State which insha'Allah is returning. It is a historical fact which no-one doubts that the Islamic world used to be one single state. It remained one single state since...
  6. Salahuddin

    American Dare

    The State system is built upon eight pillars: a. The Khalif. b. The delegated assistants. c. The executive assistants. d. The Amir of Jihad. e. The Judges. f. The governors of the provinces (Wilayat). g. An administrative system. h. The...
  7. Salahuddin

    From puppets' to people’s century

    Allhumdolilah someone with brains and without defeated mentality Exist here ! :army: :army:
  8. Salahuddin

    From puppets' to people’s century

    The question is what wisdom did Musharraf show by granting our neighbourhood to our enemy? What military strategy is this to allow opening of FBI offices and granting airbases to the enemy inside the country? What country has ever humiliated its top scientist due to pressures from other...
  9. Salahuddin

    Pakistan foils coup plot

    Are all muslims in this board anti ISLAM?
  10. Salahuddin

    Pakistan foils coup plot

    Carly Fiorina, ex-CEO of Hewlett-Packard comments on the Islamic Caliphate There was once a civilization that was the greatest in the world. It was able to create a continental super-state that stretched from ocean to ocean, and from northern climes to tropics and...
  11. Salahuddin

    Pakistan foils coup plot

    Your ignorance of history does not take into account the fact that when Islam was implemented and the West was living in the dark ages, the Muslims were excelling in every field of science and invention. If you talk about intolerance, which country backs a succession of tyrannical dictators...
  12. Salahuddin

    American Dare

    I agree 100% this is wrong what some muslims may be doing , Islam does not encourage violence , It is forbidden to attack noncombatants in Islam . Even in jihad there are strict rules of engagement when fighting the enemy . Prisoners of war cannot be mistreated, imprisoned indefinitely or...
  13. Salahuddin

    From puppets' to people’s century

    Woe to him that accepts bounty from another's table And lets his neck be bent with benefits! He hath consumed himself with the lightning of the favours bestowed on him, He hath sold his honour for a paltry coin, Happy the man who thirsting in the sun Does not crave of Khidhr a cup of water...
  14. Salahuddin

    Pakistan foils coup plot

    The Islamic nation isn’t used to the position they are in today. Islam overcame kingdoms, empires and civilisations and was supreme above all else for over 1200 years. Yet in the space of the last 150 years or so, the Islamic nation has seen the unbelievers overtake them in terms of...
  15. Salahuddin

    Pakistan foils coup plot

    Walaikom salaam Societies are dynamic and change from time to time. History has witnessed many societal shifts. The European states changing from theocracies to secular nation states. Russia's change from a feudal system to a communist system and then from Communism to Capitalism. Turkey's...
  16. Salahuddin

    Pakistan foils coup plot

    Doesnt he wish the same for muslims ? when he hands them over to his masters for dollers, What about when he invited US to butcher muslims of afgan in month of ramadan and what about the cold blooded murder of muslims of wana and distroying there property Isrealy style. ALL TO GET TAP ON...
  17. Salahuddin

    From puppets' to people’s century

    Dear Musharraf! You better leave before your masters come to get you — not for your disobedience, but for their finding better employees, able to offer more services.
  18. Salahuddin

    From puppets' to people’s century

    To the United States’ most favored Muslim dictators. Dear little tyrants! You may not believe, but as your masters — the super tyrants — are rejoicing over the ultimate humiliation of one of your buddies, our hearts cry for you. Our hearts cry, not because we will...
  19. Salahuddin

    Pakistan foils coup plot

    Any one calls for Implementation of Islam is a terrorist and associate of Bin laden. Prophet Mohammed (saw) also called for Islam and exposed tyrants of the time what would you have called him if he was with us today? Who created Al-qaeda and Bin laden? same so called terrorist were called...
  20. Salahuddin

    American Dare

    I ask you guys whether the Islamic Laws prohibiting fornication, usury, murder, lying, drinking etc are a product of human mind or reviled by Allah (SWT)? Today America has thrown Muslims in Guantanamo Bay without filing any legal cases against them, so can the Muslims on the same grounds...
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