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  1. Salahuddin

    A nation half dead

    A nation dies the day when it starts dying for others against its will. A nation dies when it starts a battle against its raison d'etre: Eliminate a nation's purpose, and you extinguish its spark of life. The country that acquiesces in evil can hardly hope to enjoy the benefits of goodness. No...
  2. Salahuddin

    Consolidating Occupation

    Abid Ullah Jan June 13, 2003 Note the difference. The news used to be: "FBI officials were also accompanying the raiding party." The news to day is: "Officials of Pakistan secret agencies were also accompanying their FBI counterparts." (1) This is how invisible occupations work for...
  3. Salahuddin

    How Khilafah became inevitable?

    Islam-bashers used to complain that terrorism is “simply a technique” and there cannot be “war on terrorism.” Well, they don’t have to worry any more. After crossing the initial milestones, the war lords in the US are now clearly defining their goal and the allied...
  4. Salahuddin

    CIA paid Pakistan for terror suspects, says Musharraf

    LONDON: The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) paid Pakistan millions of dollars for handing over more than 350 suspected al-Qaeda terrorists to the United States, President Pervez Musharraf has said, a US magazine reported on Monday. The assertions come in Musharraf’s upcoming...
  5. Salahuddin

    Top CIA Expert Slams Bush Anti-Terror Actions

    by Jim Lobe WASHINGTON - The Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) recently retired top expert on radical Islamists has strongly denounced the conduct of U.S. President George W. Bush's "global war on terrorism" and the continued U.S. military presence in Iraq, which he said is "contributing...
  6. Salahuddin

    Musharraf `buckled' under threat

    The soul-less army By ABID ULLAH JAN Published: March 29, 2004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- have an acknowledgement to make. I was wrong in my March 16, 1999 column when I confidently declared: “Mr. Inderfurth cannot take away...
  7. Salahuddin

    US threatened to bomb Pakistan 'back to stone age' after 9/11: Musharraf

    Following the Pope's remarks, it's interesting to note that the US, a Secular, Capitalist Christian nation, resorted to 'evidence and reason' to win allies in it's war against Islam and 'crush' dissent. When facts and evidence are short, bombs and weapons of mass destruction always make a...
  8. Salahuddin

    Bush can’t push

    The Whitehouse has huffed, puffed, coughed and spluttered; yet still failed to blow down the nuclear-fuelled house of Ahmedinejad, Iranian President. Actually, the Iranian position seems to have grown in strength. Almost 18 months of intense negotiations have passed, which aimed to prevent Iran...
  9. Salahuddin

    Why it's over for America

    An inability to protect its citizens. The belief that it is above the law. A lack of democracy. Three defining characteristics of the 'failed state'. And that, says Noam Chomsky, is exactly what the US is becoming. In an exclusive extract from his devastating new book, America's leading thinker...
  10. Salahuddin

    West Won’t Win Afghan War

    by Eric Margolis As Canadian, American and British soldiers continue to die in Afghanistan, it is time the truth be told about this ugly little war. Much of what we’ve so far been told by our governments and media has been untrue, wishful thinking, or crass jingoism. The...
  11. Salahuddin

    U.S.-Pakistan relationship getting shaky

    ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - Threats of U.S. military action inside Pakistan to counter al-Qaida militants have highlighted the shaky relationship between these two key players in the war on terror and could escalate anti-American sentiments in this Islamic nation. President Bush said this week that...
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