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  1. Salahuddin

    Arab world waiting to explode, says Saudi king

    Betrayal of the Muslim Rulers uploaded 12 Sep 2006 "If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti -...
  2. Salahuddin

    UK's deterrent argument 'flawed'

    The government's argument for keeping an "independent nuclear deterrent" is flawed, MPs have been told. Anti-nuclear campaigners said there was no evidence weapons were a deterrent - rather they increased danger to the UK. CND vice president Bruce Kent told the Commons Defence Select...
  3. Salahuddin

    Mullah Omar 'hiding in Pakistan'

    Why didnt Musharraf think of that before? didnt he know Northern aliance are pro Indian bas**** ..
  4. Salahuddin

    Mullah Omar 'hiding in Pakistan'

    Was this posted in wrong thread?
  5. Salahuddin

    Mullah Omar 'hiding in Pakistan'

    Taleban leader Mullah Omar is living in Pakistan under the protection of its ISI intelligence agency, a captured Taleban spokesman has said. The spokesman, Muhammad Hanif, made the apparent confession to Afghan agents who videotaped the questioning. Mr Hanif is seen sitting in a dimly-lit...
  6. Salahuddin

    The non-Muslim (dhimmi) in the Khilafah

    Inshallah Khilafah of this time will not be like khilafah of 1700, 1800 or 1900 centuries... Ummah have sufured far too much to make any more mistakes.
  7. Salahuddin

    The non-Muslim (dhimmi) in the Khilafah

    Humans need guidance to show us how and what to worship. We believe in all that is mentioned in the Quran regardless of how difficult it is to perceive based on our limited minds. The Quran may be seen as a kind of users manual that manufacturers supply with machinery. Our (manufacturer) is...
  8. Salahuddin

    Turkey: Column Claims US/Chinese Energy Rivalry Behind Fighting in Somalia

    Turkey: Column Claims US/Chinese Energy Rivalry Behind Fighting in Somalia uploaded 14 Jan 2007 BBC Monitoring Service - United Kingdom Published: Dec 29, 2006 Text of report by Turkish newspaper Yeni Safak website on 28 December [Column by Ibrahim Karagul: "Abizaid Sparks Dirty...
  9. Salahuddin

    The non-Muslim (dhimmi) in the Khilafah

    Islam is the perfect governing system , it has to be its from the creater and not from the creation. Man Cannot Succeed In Any Time or Place Except With Islam
  10. Salahuddin

    The non-Muslim (dhimmi) in the Khilafah

    Historically, when the Caliphate was ruling Jerusalem, it protected the holiest Church in Christianity - The Church of the Holy Sepulchre (above). The keys to this church have been held for centuries by the Nusseibeh Muslim family who until today still open and close the doors on a daily basis...
  11. Salahuddin

    A Battle for Global Values

    By Tony Blair From Foreign Affairs, January/February 2007 Summary: The war on terrorism is not just about security or military tactics. It is a battle of values, and one that can only be won by the triumph of tolerance and liberty. Afghanistan and Iraq have been the necessary starting...
  12. Salahuddin

    Loudspeaker use restricted to Azan, Khutbah

    What else can we accpect from DAJAAL , tomorrow he may ban namaaz.. he can do anything to please his masters...
  13. Salahuddin

    Pakistan — an ‘organ trading hotspot’

    Pakistan — an ‘organ trading hotspot’ By Rauf Klasra LONDON: The poverty-stricken Pakistanis working at hotels and restaurants in the UK, are now advertising on the Internet sale of their kidneys, liver section, and eye corneas to the rich but ailing Britons at...
  14. Salahuddin

    Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein executed

    Do you really think our governments represent us?
  15. Salahuddin

    The Muslim Soldiers

    Oh! The Muslim Soldiers: Is there not a wise person amongst you, who is concerned about the condition of Islam & Muslims, their modesty and honour? uploaded 14 Nov 2006 بسم الله الرحم&#1606...
  16. Salahuddin

    Slave to the masters

    Washington, Dec 31: A former senior CIA operative who tracked Osama bin Laden for 10 long years foresees "an apparent American defeat in Afghanistan". Michael Sheuer said the way ahead in Afghanistan and along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border "ultimately would lead to the defeat of US and...
  17. Salahuddin

    My Last Post

    Inshallah maybe when I come back from Pak. Sorry for Causing offence to anyone...
  18. Salahuddin

    Lesson from ISI’s killing

    Victims of Pakistan's Intelligence Agency - ISI http://icssa.org/isi_victims.html
  19. Salahuddin

    My Last Post

    We are living at a time when the daily news about the world, especially about the Muslim world is quite depressing. It is not just armies waging this war. A whole gamut of institutions, from sophisticated research centers to slick media, is dedicated to the campaign to sow doubts, to spreads...
  20. Salahuddin

    Lesson from ISI’s killing

    t seems the conscience of humanity doesn’t stir until someone pays the price for resisting oppression and our right to know and tell the truth. On June 16, 2006, Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate (ISI) silenced another journalist, Hayatullah Khan, forever. He was...
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