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    Rice: It's Time for a New Middle East

    Mr Kashif is our fellow Indian. As to what kind, please read my preceding post.
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    Rice: It's Time for a New Middle East

    I have read your post. You are unwilling to concede that it takes two hands to clap. You insist that Islam is the victim and it makes me or non Muslims "piss" because it retaliates hard (eh, so all the terrorism is retaliation?) What you dont understand is that non Muslims outnumber Muslims...
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    All Of Kashmir Strikes As Indian President Visits

    Thats your own Pakistani paper- and note it too says mujahideen not civilians..
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    Rice: It's Time for a New Middle East

    I take "you"- to be non Muslims. Ok, so "us" is the plural. Did Modi make "us" piss or Muslims? Does Bush make "us" piss or Muslims? Does Putin make "us" piss or Muslims? Do you approve of their hard stance towards local Muslims? Why do you think that they get leeway to do so, but for...
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    Indian air force 'lacks planes'

    Best of the best, I would like to see this purported proof Munir has. Basically I reply politely to Neo. He comes in and flames. I respond asking him not to. And then decide, whatever- lets make this a productive thread. And post further on. Then he silently deletes it, without...
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    Indian air force 'lacks planes'

    Please point out where and how my posts on this topic were hostile. You are simply mudslinging here. I was asked a Qn on flighthours- I replied with ONLY DETAILS ON THE IAF. I posted ABOUT THE MKI with ONLY DETAILS ON THE MKI. These were deleted. Why? If my post is addressed to Neo- he can...
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    Indian air force 'lacks planes'

    Awesome. So my posts were deleted again. Why do you gents even have a forum? Neo, why the hypocrisy- if you guys dont want answers why have a forum.
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    Rice: It's Time for a New Middle East

    :GUNS: :GUNS: :GUNS:
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    Rice: It's Time for a New Middle East

    Sure killing the heck out of each other- Iraq, stoning people to death- Iran, run by a corrupt oligarchy- Egypt... Spare India from doing so well, o' Ram, Rahim & Jesus!:p
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    Rice: It's Time for a New Middle East

    The same can be said of Muslims, that they cant live in peace anywhere...
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    Terrorism - In All Its Forms

    A Rahman, Irrespective of what I say or how politely I put it, you have the likes of Munir sneaking behind my back & deleting the posts, so whats the point? I may reply to you- another moderator, but there is no guarantee that my post shall remain or that my effort was of any use...
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    All Of Kashmir Strikes As Indian President Visits

    Wonderful- I posted a detailed post on the actual realities in Kashmir today and it has been deleted. Funny! Why do you gents even require a forum? Since no opposing POVs can exist go ahead & put a line saying all non Muslims, non Pakistanis cannot register! Munirs antics are despicable. This...
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    You know that Pak officer the Indian army killed while crossing the LoC

    And you know this, how? Your BS seems to be like my BS, but at least I qualified my statement as "buzz" says- ie not trustworthy/ grapevine/ rumours etc
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    Capt Kernal Sher Khan (NH)

    Those people got prosecuted and got caught by India. Shoudnt you Pakistanis be doing the same to these teenagers who are maligning actual deeds by writing such rubbish? I am a keen follower of military history, and nothing is more odious to the memory of those who served than such cooked up...
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    Al-Khalid 2

    Sure...nitrogen cooled main guns...and "avionics on tanks"...please! Again, I ask- is there an Al Khalid Mk2? And if so, what are its actual features?
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    Capt Kernal Sher Khan (NH)

    Gents, even the Pak Army professionals admit the above is extremely unrealistic & how do I say this, made up. The parts in bold, are unfortunately likewise. Sher Khan was killed in a counterattack alongst with his troops. Not by acting like a Rambo and single handedly chasing the infidels...
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    Pakistan's Special Operations Forces: SSG | SSGN | SSW | SOW | SOG

    True, but I tend to get turned off by all the books which have the recurrent theme of "There I was, and facing the whole enemy army singlehandedly..."
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    You know that Pak officer the Indian army killed while crossing the LoC

    The buzz is that the Indian MOD does not want to ruffle the peace process - ties with Pak blah blah blah Make of that what you will
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    Animanted Video of Pakistani JF-17 vs Indian SU-30

    Absolutely dashing!:smile:
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    indian Leather banned in US

    True but it is not exactly "in the book" either, so customs vary. Nandi, is supposed to be Shiva's "vehicle", a bull- and that is where the occasional display of the bull in Hindu religious imagery comes from. The cow is referred to as Kamadhenu, from its depiction in a story about a sage...
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