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  1. N

    Quotes by Jinnah.

    Jinnah was a lot like Atta Turk in many ways. I wonder why he didn't do with the Mullahs, the way Atta Turk did. The Mullahs before creation of Pakistan never supported it or the Muslim League. They cursed the Quaid, even incited a number of attacks against his life. (See the movie: Jinnah)...
  2. N

    Quotes by Jinnah.

    Exactly. The Kalipahte was to be destroyed after World War I in any case by the winning colonials/ western allies. Moreover, even before the war, it had become more of a joke. Its rulers were corrupt and incompetent. They were the reason why the Ottomon Empire lost the war. The Calipahte had...
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