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  1. Skeptic786

    The great steal mill robbery ( attempted anyway )

    having heard an in depth debate on the steel mill issue involving awais leghari, hamid nasir on the one side.......Khawaha saad rafiq and aitzaz ahsan on the other............i can say this Steel mill privatization should not be described as a scandal. This is an insult to the intelligence of...
  2. Skeptic786

    Are Kashmiris going to be sold down the river ?

    'Nobody can hand me over to India' The Rediff Interview | Hizb-ul Mujahideen leader Syed Salahuddin http://www.rediff.com/news/2006/aug/08inter.htm August 08, 2006 The Kashmir issue can never be resolved through talks, believes Syed Salahuddin, leader of the Hizb-ul Mujahideen terrorist...
  3. Skeptic786

    Are Kashmiris going to be sold down the river ?

    india has more than once asked for the handing over of syed salahudin...head of hizbul mujahdeen, who moved to AJK but belongs to IOK. Mushy's is on record for calling people engaged with indian troops as freedom fighters......so is he now going to re-label them as terrorist. after india has...
  4. Skeptic786

    Should This Man Be Smiling?

    Steel mill privatization should not be described as a scandal. The proper discription for it is.....Pakistan's history's biggest and most daring robbery attempted. I will post a thread on it.
  5. Skeptic786

    Are Kashmiris going to be sold down the river ?

    yes ofcourse we cannot afford or tolerate the killing of civilians. But my question was more towards the fact that is mushy going to share information with the indians so they can simply round up...yesterday's freedom fighters ( the like that was allegded against BB and more specificially...
  6. Skeptic786

    Are Kashmiris going to be sold down the river ?

    A significant new element in the joint statement is the two sides' decision to "put in place an Pakistan-India anti-terrorism institutional mechanism to identify and implement counter-terrorism initiatives and investigations." On the face of it, this looks like a concession on Pakistan's part to...
  7. Skeptic786

    Pakistan To Set Up Commission To Reform And Modernise Police, force

    we have had such commissions before.....the solution is simple and doesnot need commissions as such........increased resource allocation to the force and recruitment of highly educated people only ( ban on anpar people---retire the anpar on golden handshakes ). Once the career in the Police...
  8. Skeptic786

    TV ban follows police attack on journalists

    asim, what more detail you need........the three reporters were in a vehicle which failed to move out of the way of the police quick enuff.......next they were given a beating and thrown into the lockup....and even denied water to take medicine ( wadood who has heart ailment). Punjab government...
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