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  1. F

    Should Bhagat Singh and Udham Singh be respected by Pakistanis?

    Lahore renames Bhagat Singh Chowk - thenews.com.pk Lahore renames Bhagat Singh Chowk September 30, 2012 - Updated 1413 PKT From Web Edition LAHORE: The authorities have renamed a roundabout in the eastern city of Lahore after freedom fighter Bhagat Singh to acknowledge his...
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    How much of Pakistani culture is Indian?

    It is obvious from this thread that there seems to be a perception among hindus that the ancestors of Pakistani muslims did something wrong by converting to islam because it was the so-called invader's religion. Now even if the ancestors of pakistanis were once hindus, so what?? The ancestors...
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    How much of Pakistani culture is Indian?

    There is very little historical evidence to support your assertion that Islam was spread by force in the sub-continent. If the Mughals wanted, they could have converted every single hindu to islam by force and they had almost 800 years to accomplish that but they did not. And what has...
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    How much of Pakistani culture is Indian?

    Your argument that Islam is about arab culture does not hold water. Only one-eighth of the muslim population worldwide is Arab. And there is not much historical evidence to support your assertion that islam was spread by force in the sub-continent. That is because Islam is a global religion and...
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    How much of Pakistani culture is Indian?

    The core of the Indus Valley Civilization that included harappa, mohenjo-daro and mehrgarh was in the land called Pakistan. Only the periphery was in parts of india. The irony is that the IVC is of a lot of cultural and historical significance to the hindus but there are hardly any hindus left...
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    Pakistani Hindus | All Discussions

    That is because Islam is a global religion and has attracted followers and converts from all over the world. Islam is compatiable with every culture and land. Hinduism is more of a regional religion and has not attracted followers anywhere outside the sub-continent with the only exception of...
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    The pain of partition

    I have noticed from these threads about partition that the hindus are very upset and in pain because of the fact that Pakistan exists. But they are not so upset about the existence of Bangladesh. The reason is obvious because the entire history that the hindus claim as their own happened in...
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    Would you teach your children "martial arts"?

    It's not just about being weak when you are so outnumbered. Imagine going to a middle or high school in USA as a muslim that is around 80% white, another 15% are blacks and hispanics and non-muslim asians, and less than 5% of all children are muslim. Muslim children are likely to face some abuse...
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    Would you teach your children "martial arts"?

    Would you teach your children any kind of "martial arts"? I would send my children to some kind of martial arts classes because we are living in times of rising islamophobia and muslim children in europe and north america are likely to be bullied at school. Under these circumstances, next...
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    Would you vote for a Hindu or Sikh candidate in election in Western country

    Would you vote for a Hindu or Sikh candidate in an election in a particular western country that you live in? Why or why not?? I live in Canada and support the Liberals. But if in a hypothetical scenario, the liberal party's candidate in my area was a hindu or sikh and the Conservative...
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