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  1. F

    If the Sikhs decided to cast their lot with Muslims and Pakistan in 1947??

    It seems like sikhs as a community would have been better off if they decided to cast their lot with the muslims instead of treacherous Congress in 1947? If the sikhs had decided to join Pakistan, partition of punjab province would not have been necessary, and forced migration and massacres in...
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    Muslims In America

    How reliable is the estimate of 8 million muslims living in USA?? I am aware that american census does not have a question about religion, but i was assuming that muslim population in USA is a lot less than 8 million. These are some other information i found from google search, Most And...
  3. F

    Is China slowly tightening the noose around india's neck?

    Murder sheds light on China Murder sheds light on China’s expansion By Tarek Fatah ,Toronto Sun An alarming development is unfolding in a far off corner of the world that will have far reaching geo-political consequences for the West. But other than a handful of protesters in...
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    Parvez Rasool becomes Kashmiri Cricketer to don Indian colors

    Stop being such a hindu-loving traitor :angry: Pakistan was created to destroy hinduism :devil:
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    Parvez Rasool becomes Kashmiri Cricketer to don Indian colors

    I am out of control. If i had my way, i would rape every hindu woman and then hack them to pieces and then kill every hindu man and hindu child :devil::devil:
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    Parvez Rasool becomes Kashmiri Cricketer to don Indian colors

    The hindutva assertion that mughals forced the hindus to convert to islam is a myth. There is not much historical evidence to support this assertion. If the mughals wanted, they could have easily converted every single hindu to islam or killed every hindu but they did not.
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    How Hindus view the Kashmir conflict

    Realistically there is going to be no solution of the kashmir conflict in the foreseeable future. No country is going to give up any land/territory as a compromise. And this discussion about Kashmir could go on forever simply because the issue was not resolved in 1947, is unresolved today and it...
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    Getting rid of the Caste system in India!!

    A solution to end caste system in India is by mixing (breeding) Brahmin and higher caste women with dark shudra men and dalit men. Brahmin and other high caste men must also breed with the lower castes. The solution would be to legitamize and portray it as a good thing, indeed to encourage...
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    India-England Final

    So what? That was just one person. Most pakistanis would never support india. We would rather support any team that plays against india
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    India-England Final

    If they are in indian colours then how do you know they are pakistanis? If they are indeed pakistanis, then they are hindu-loving traitors!!
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    India-England Final

    Come on England Pakistanis are supporting england
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    Pakistani Cricket team getting harassed by their fans

    Those are Pakistani fans. This incident happened after the Pakistan vs South africa match and not after the Pakistan vs india match. There were hardly any indians in the crowd at pakistan's match against south africa
  13. F

    Pakistani Cricket team getting harassed by their fans

    Violence at a Pakistan vs india cricket match in England Cricket/India v Pakistan/Violence | Page 1 | When The Crowd Turns Ugly | Friends Reunited Cricket/India v Pakistan/Violence | Page 1 | When The Crowd Turns Ugly | Friends Reunited
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    Pakistani Cricket team getting harassed by their fans

    Pakistan cricket team getting harassed - YouTube Very harsh Language - Viewer discretion advised
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    Pakistan vs india cricket on 15th June 2013 & likelihood of violence

    The match between Pakistan and india will be played in birmingham. Birmingham has a long history of violence between muslims and indians. Watch this old video on youtube and you will find that there have even been street fights between gangs of muslims and sikhs. Sikh Girls / Pakistani...
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    Pakistan vs india cricket on 15th June 2013 & likelihood of violence

    Is there a likelihood of fighting and violence between spectators in the stands at Edgbaston when Pakistan play against india on 15th june? Would it be a good idea if the pakistani and indian spectators are kept segregated from each other at the stadium to prevent violence? There was fighting...
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    Ghaznavi or Aurangzeb?

    Who was the greatest muslim warrior in sub-continent? Ghaznavi or Aurangzeb Ghaznavi fuc*ed a million hindus and destroyed them at somnath!! Aurangzeb also comprehensively destroyed the hindus and fried the sikh gurus :devil:
  18. F

    New wave of anti-shia violence has engulfed Pakistan

    In today's scenario, shias and ahmadis are probably safer in india compared to Pakistan. Meanwhile, this website about shia killings has just been banned in Pakistan Shia Killing | English It shows that the violence against shias in Pakistan is state-sanctioned
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    New wave of anti-shia violence has engulfed Pakistan

    New wave of anti-shia violence has engulfed Pakistan after caretaker Chief Minister of the Punjab, Mr. Najam Sethi, decided to release 112 arrested terrorists of banned sectarian outfit Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP, also known as Lashkar-e-Jhangvi LeJ and Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat Deobandi ASWJ-D)...
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    Is being light-skinned considered more beautiful?

    Is it true that in every culture and society, being light-skinned is considered more beautiful and dark skin is considered ugly or undesirable. In Pakistan and india there are advertisements for skin cream that makes the skin light. Also most people in the entertaimment industary tend to be...
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