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  1. T

    Settle Kashmir and Get the Reward!!!

    ---------------- If one Muslim is in trouble than its duty of another Muslim to help him Incredible quote isn't it. I have heard it from my muslim friend. But, here in southern India the interpretation is quite different. They help the fellow muslims by donating some part of they money, or...
  2. T

    India: should you be China's foe or friend?

    After forcibly occupying Tibet, you claim that lands beyond Tibet is a part of china. When tibet itself is not truely part of china. What a joke? Learn Geography before arguing.... Secondly if you argue sikkim and AP are not part of India. We would do the same for Tibet and Tiwan. And...
  3. T

    Breach of sovereignty by US

    Couple of months ago i stated that drone attacks are a breach of sovereighnty by the united states. Our forum users commented that i was a RAW agent (though i would like to be one). Now the foreign office of pakistan administration has admitted that its a breach of sovereignty. Our...
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    India Has No greater Enemy Than The United States

    If you consider united states as an enemy, you shouldn't get the 5 billion aid from them. Instead of preaching others. Cut all your military aid and non military aid from them and declare them as your enemy no 1. You don't have the guts to do that. Because you fear united states. Thats the end...
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    Breach of sovereignty by US

    Suspected US drone attack in Pakistan kills many civilians. I just wanted to ask, is there any kind of agreement between your army and the united states with out the knowledge of the parliment, politicians and the people. Because what i heard is you guys are allies in war on terror, that dosn't...
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